Idle dreamer
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
I keep trying to grow mushrooms, no luck so far. I guess I'll know I'm doing things right when I get some edible and medicinal mushrooms growing....
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
I have tried plug spawn in oak logs. I suspect my trouble is not keeping things moist enough.
rose macaskie wrote:
kevin wheels, i was wondering if it would jump from logs onto trees and so i would be guilty of killing the trees. I suppose we have it anyway in spain there are so many oak trees.
it seems i have to fin¡d if its legal to buyit if i buy the spawn from another country i tried puttign the first words i¡that i htought might lead to an answer about what fungi you can import into spain but google or the words i thought up turned out not to give results.
I thought of leaving innoculted logs at the river edge in summer or half buried the the damp earth there. I hav ealso wondered if ti would not be sbest to innoculte the logs in autumn so as to give them a long time to take a hold on the logs before the dry season, though spring seems to be the timne suggested for innoculating logs. If i get everythign organised the logs cut for prtetty early spring spring couldd be good. agri rose macaskie.
rose macaskie wrote:
I owuld cut th elogs a week or two or a bit more before innoculting them because i read that was wha tyou have to do if you cut them a bit bewfore innoculating them then the wood has time to lose its natuarl fungicides i read, If they are new cut then i suppose they will have plenty of sap in them so that they will be sort of wet. I hav eplenty of ooak hta thas grown up from once coppiced trees so a lot of thinnish trunks that need thinning.
I cant depend on watering them, i live in madrid and dont get outto the garden all the time. agri rose macaskie.
One day a chicken crossed a road and nobody questioned the motives. Thank you tiny ad.
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