My ideal lady will be ...sweet understanding and compassionate to others less fortunate, energetic, naturally beautiful – in & outside, healthy, physically fit (interested in recreation, fitness to take advantage of beautiful days - and evenings
). Will be interested in: becoming MORE, plus natural health, fitness, herbs & alternative medicines, natures wonderment, investigating and engaging beneficial change, edible landscaping, travel, nomadic living, survival, peace, hope, health and happiness. May be younger or older - but having a young healthy vibrant person's attributes, drive, ambitions, mindset, and the necessary available time each day to as a "team" player LIVE a better type of improved concept rural preparedness more
sustainable lifestyle, and may be equally happy either living in a hut – with a dirt floor or a mansion. She will be versatile and not have a dirty foul mouth -, will NOT be greedy, selfish or a liar since nothing but 100% trust will be required. Interests in business, and related computer skills, hopefully Liberty and
Freedom, and the "independent" minded lifestyle to support a very successful relationship are a PLUS. Practical skills are important, and a current job may be of minimal or no importance to me - although access to several MM or hundred million $, and strategic use of same, could be very beneficial to match or especially to her associates. Expect to effectively use but not abuse & keep in order available resources, involving me/our interests, and share efforts at achieving mutual goals together in this friendship based woring relationship.
.........What is the Perfect First Date...First will be to look deeply into each other’s eyes while discussing the most mutually important and timely topics, can be at a restaurant or possibly a nice, peaceful quiet picnic site - while having some ice chilled wine and maybe something cooked on a portable grill, w. a spring greens salad. Then maybe some swimming/snorkeling, or bike riding to an interesting place or even looking around the home acreage and discussing each other’s ideas, hopes and needs and / or simply taking time to reviewing the available useable resources and what might be possible if working cooperatively and sharing time and our efforts together. Almost anything can or will be discussed and or various important or interesting activities considered. Can contact me to say Hi at