For the full breakdown, purchase the Earth Sheletered
Solar Greenhouse Book
here is a quick breakdown of rabbit benefits.
Needing less rabbit
feed in the winter since they are partially
warmed by the greenhouse atmosphere itself and need metabolize
less to maintain body temperature....
Guaranteed comfort on even the hottest of days. And, of
course, on those freezing
January nights
"does in
underground shelters were
8% heavier afier 2 months in the experiment, they gave birth
to 39% more offspring and weaned 60% more than those in
cages ..
The carbon dioxide (CO,) benefits of animals, especially
"The air contains only about 300 parts per million of carbon 220 parts per million
of CO, "a slow-down in plant growth is significantly noticeable"
while below 150 ppm "most plants stop growing."...
DeKome estimates his rabbits raised his greenhouse
CO, to 700 ppm to 800 ppm,