Not sure if this forum or rocket stoves is the best place to ask this question, but love reading all the previous posts and thoughtful answers, so here goes.
I've been working on a multi-year
project to build an outdoor cooking space that will eventually have a smoker, wood-fired
oven, and
wood bbq. The space is on a slope and I have built a retaining wall with
concrete block faced with used red brick that I was lucky
enough to be able to recycle out of a nearby property that had replaced a 1970's brick patio with flagstone. 1200 brick for the 'cost' of hauling and cleaning. Cowabunga.
I'm working on the smoker section, where my plan is to rest an old, fairly standard 2-barrel smoker (big barrel for the smoking chamber, small barrel for the fire) on four fire brick pedestals, the brick placed vertical and the tops cut on an angle to cradle the big barrel. The fire barrel will hang off the end of the wall.
My question: can I use my red brick for all the areas around the smoker, including underneath the big barrel (where the clearance is maybe as low as 2" and curves up from there), as well as the wall end that faces the small, fire-barrel (where the clearance is about 2")?
I've done a ton of sleuthing on The Google and have not been able to come up with a rough thermal spec for a middle-aged red brick. Can it handle, say, 6-800 degrees of indirect heat off the fire box without cracking, sloughing off chunks, turning to dust, etc?
Any help is hugely appreciated!