So I want to plant something in between my
swale and what will be my
greenhouse this winter to help prevent the side of the swale from eroding because of the runoff from the
The obvious choice here would be vetiver but I'm a bit disappointed that livestock can't eat it so I'd rather plant something that does the same yet can be eaten by either ducks or guinea pigs.
One alternative that comes to mind is Phalaris arundinacea but I have two worries:
1 doesn't it get way too hot for that here in the South of Portugal (up to 47C in summer)
2 I read that it can be quite invasive but wonder if it isn't too dry for that here anyway
The swale does get flood irrigated once in a while and has about a dozen guava seedlings planted on the
berm itself (in between all the sage), some
nitrogen fixing trees as well and then a couple more guava's and pomegranates directly below the berm.
Any ideas or other alternatives are welcome.