I had a nice long conversation with a fellow at my
local Farm Supply store (that's the name of the place) and he left me with this impression that I
should be planting some Chitalpa
trees on my property in the Carrizo Plain which gets both very hot to pretty dang cold and is arid half of the year and has alkaline clay soil. The Chitalpa tree is supposed to have a long tap
root which is why I think he suggested this tree foremost. What I want to know is should I plant this tree in place of
Locust or Acacia? From what I know, Locust doesn't have the long tap root, it is a suckering tree with shallow
roots, same thing goes for Acacia. Should I look further into Chitalpa as one of several varieties of trees to plant on the perimeter of the property? Or should I turn away from them?