Strawbale is going to have a higher r value. Straw is going to have r-30 or r-2.25 per inch. "The R-Value of a bale wall assembly is approximately R-30. This is the resistivity number. The inverse would be the conductivity or 1/30 = 0.0333."
Light straw is going to have a lower r value at r-18 or r 1.5 per inch. This is because a LSC wall
should not be greater than 12" thick or else it may rot. "Depending on how much clay you add and how much you compress it, you could expect an R-value of around 1.5 to 2 per inch of thickness for a light straw clay wall. That compares to almost R-4 per inch of thickness for fiberglass. So you will need twice the thickness of straw-clay as you would fiberglass to reach the same nominal R-value. In fact, however, the straw-clay wall will perform better than would be predicted from this equation, both because of the added thermal mass effect and because the straw-clay fills the cavity more completely than fiberglass batting."
These links and quotes are from Michael Smith's Q/A on
You could also get similar information in this book which I highly recommend as it has case studies done.