I just read your article on Diatamaceous Earth (
http://www.richsoil.com/diatomaceous-earth.jsp). Very interesting! I was wondering if this product would eliminate springtails outside my house...
There are three very large
trees casting a lot of shade on the house and creating humidity. This spring has especially been very wet and I how have an infestation of springtails around my house. The bugs are trying to come in from the windows and doors.
There is no mulch anywhere around my house, no dead leaves, and I even had the patio slabs removed.
An exterminator sprayed 1% Permethrin around the house foundations and the doors and windows, but the springtails are back.
Will Diatamaceous Earth work?
The other solution would be to cut down those magnificent trees, which I don't want to do and the
City won't allow me to do.
Do you have any suggestions? I’m desperate.