Having lost all but one of my Australorp hens to a fox and natural causes, here are the recent additions to the family:
3 x Australorps
2 x Light Sussex
1 x Blue & Gold Wyandotte
1 x Gold Laced Wyandotte
They're all pure breeds by a reputable breeder and member of a Poultry Club, so genetically they are healthy little balls of fluff and mischief.
Born on Monday, now only 5 days old.
Once they're several weeks old, they'll be introduced to the old Australorp through a cage - allows them to make friends for a few weeks before mixing them. It's anticipated the old hen will teach the newbies the run of the
yard, and what's expected of them.
I prefer to rear chooks from near day-olds as they get to know me and will grow up with trust and less stress - I usually train them to walk into my outstretched hands, to come when called, and to keep out of the garden - YES, chooks can be trained! (Though I wouldn't expect them to fetch a ball, or roll over and beg!)