I would add some points for you:
1. Mow frequently with sharp blades
If your expectations are a green lawn, the key is often cut, forcing it to grow thick and keep weeds. Keep mower blades sharp so the grass is not beat up and vulnerable to disease.
2. Do not go too short
Golf Courses low cut for a look neatly trimmed, but the short grass responds faster and faster. "The lower harvest, the herbicides and water you need, and then it becomes an intensive management system," says Pete Landschoot, professor of turf science at Penn State University.
So how high to cut? That largely depends on the type of grass, but Euel Coats, a retired professor of weed science at Mississippi State University, preaches the "one third rule": Never cut more than one third of the grass height at a time. If the grass is three inches tall, cut an inch or less. Deeper and is "speculation" plants, which can take two or three cutting cycles to recover.
Mowing high forces grow deep base, said Roch Gaussoin, Extension turf grass specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The deeper the
roots, the better to resist disease and less water is needed. The manual of your lawn mower will explain how to change the blade height.
3. Do not cut wet grass
Mow when the lawn is saturated with water will compact the soil so that roots can not breathe. When that happens, the grass dies and you will see bald spots on the lawn.
4. Mulch clippings on the lawn
Leave the clippings where they fall. Not only eliminate all trips bagging and unloading, but the clippings fertilize the soil. If you are cutting often cuts are short and few and work your way back to earth without becoming brown and messy.
5. Water deeply - and infrequently
"The number 1 I see homeowners make is on the water, which accumulates excess thatch (an unsightly thick carpet of tangled roots between the grass blades and soil)," says Brooks. Daily watering the roots of surface water and waste. In contrast, deep water, watching closely to see if more is needed.
These are signs it's time to water, according to Gaussoin:
The soil resists when you push a screwdriver or steel rod into the ground;
The herb has a slightly blue tint, and
Tracks in the grass remain compressed.
If you're not on the floor of irrigation, a sprinkler works well. Landschoot suggests giving the grass an inch of water each time you water. Measured by putting an empty tuna can on the grass. When full, move the risk to another place and start measuring again. Once you know the needs of your lawn, you can put the sprinkler on a timer (which cost $ 10 to $ 60).
Poor soil - made of clay or compacted traffic too - do not readily absorb moisture. If water pools and runs into the street or sidewalk before your can of tuna is full, try Plan B: The water only a third of an inch every night for three nights in a row, then wait until you needed again.
6. Avoid watering during the night
Do not put your lawn to bed with wet feet. That means that for the grass to dry before the dew falls, since prolonged moisture invites disease. The best time to water is before dawn or early morning. You'll lose water to evaporation by sprinkling in midday.