I started reading up on
permaculture last spring, and experimented with a few things last year. I didnt really get into it untill this year. I live up in thunder bay, way up in 48 degrees latitude. The
city is givin an average of zone 3a, but the city has a range from a cold 5 (some places) - about zone 2. My house is in about zone 4.
I have a small
yard to plant in. About 60x15 feet, mabey a bit more if you add the other small spots. There were only 2 owners of this house, and both of them were prolific gardeners. So the soil was pretty good when we planted grass 20 years ago. The amount of rain we get is pretty good concidering some places. We never really have any drought problems here.
At this point im only experimenting. The only real long term plants I have are some peony ( the thing has been here for at least 70 years), 2 100 year old lilac, russian olive,
honey gold
apple, and a few things that im not sure will make it (
apple, and pear seedlings, as well as an almond seedling i grew ) I added Highbush blueberry (chippewa and blue crop), heritage raspberry, Chester blackberry, john adams elder berry this year. Im hoping to grow some espalier cherry
trees, as well as some apricots I grew from seed. Im going to be experimenting with figs next year after |I get some cuttings.
Some annual veggies seem to do well here. Radish have been solid for me. Beans as well. Ive seen some people grow some great grapes. Berries of all sorts thrive here as well. Broccoli does alright. Lettuce and spinach see, to bolt fast if sown in the ground ( first time ive tried both though). Buttercruch lettuce did well, but it bolted before i could harvest the head lol. Celery seems a bit slow, but I havnt amended the soil at all, and they needs tons of
A few experiments so far have shown I can grow some types of bamboo (protected). I also managed to over winter hardy hibiscus (moeschetos). Im going to experiment with a few things as well next year such as apricot, ginkgo biloba, dawn redwood and eastern redbud.
I do however, break one of the golden rules, by having plants i dig up every year lol. Not a big deal really.
I have a few strawberry plants that are spreading as ground cover, as well as some newly planted spurge. This year I have buckwheat as a nitrogen fixer, as well, as letting tons of self soen species grow such as dandelion,
native pansy and clover. Theres tons of things that managed to cover the soil, but I cant begin to identify it yet lol. I plant lots of herbs liek cilantro, dill (self seeding here), oregano and chamomile, as well as beans and peas. I have grapes, clematis and some annual vines liek Ipomia for the vines, as well as false indigo, various lilies, roses, wegelia and some others for the shrub layers.
Its been a great learning
experience. I have a better idea of yeilds now, and a better understanding of the concepts ive read about over the last year. Im hoping next year will provide me with a decent first harvest!