Julia Watson wrote:Hi Frank
I was curious to see on Sun eve if the charge controller had reached float as the batteries were at 12.5 and had not been used all day. Nope. Hadn't even hit absorb. So 'topping up' with solar doesn't seem to be an option in the current location in November.
I will go look through the logs and note the kwh/day and pv watts and report back. I'm not 100% sure I have the settings on the charge controller optimized. I don't understand what all the elements mean or everything you said. But I'll note them down and get your input!
Rolls states charge parameters as 14.84v absorb and 13.94 float (68 deg. F./20 deg. C.) And i would place end amps 00 and absorb time at 5 hours to start, until you find out how many hours an absorbtion charge takes. General rule is 1 hour per 100ah capacity. This could require more or less time depending on how you have re-bulk set and how deeply you take the batteries on average. I have found the 1 hour/100ah to be a good place to start.
I would use the remote temp sensor (if you dont already) and program the appropriate t-comp setpoint for the rolls agm.
The settings can be critical, and after 7 years of installing as an occupation, i am still tweaking the way i program and learning more every season! Owner feedback and maintenance services i provide to several systems teach more every visit, no matter how much i read.
If you want to see the display active while charging with the generator, you can try to force bulk or force float in "misc" settings. The battery voltages from the generator charger operation will be seen on the display and you are looking for the indication at the setpoints above. So, it should hit 14.84 (absorb) for 4-5 hours and then go to 13.94 (float)
A 15a charger will surely take all day and then some to complete a charge 16-20 hours! Thats
alot of fuel and wear.
An optimum generator charger should be between 50 and 60 amps. This way the bulk charge is done pronto and absorb will take less time also, compared to 15a rate. The idea is also to load the generator at 50-75% of max continuous load, so you have room for running more than the charger and dont throw away a bunch of fuel where the charger at full stuff only uses 10 or 20% of power at idle.
This is common, people dont want to load a generator "too heavy" so they run a 7kw machine and supply power to a refrigerator and some
lights. This is folly and expensive in noise and chemical pollution, material and fuel.
Load heavy during run time and leave 20% max overhead unless there is a real reason to "loaf" the generator.
The last 25% charge to float will take as long as the first 75%, generally. Its the reason to try to run to absorb or maybe absorb for an hour or two and then top up with solar (shade and length of day permitting).
As far as understanding goes, i cannot stress enough to read the manual several times. I do it like a binging junkie, first i go to the interesting stuff, then i go back and read the stuff that supports the interesting stuff and then i read and re-read front to back..... its hard not to jump right to "fire in the wire", but everytime i have been caught being uninformed or mistaken or broke down and called tech support, it has been something overlooked in the manual. Some of the very best manuals are written for renewable energy equipment, but painfully comprehensive they are also, and it takes time.
Its like reading fiction novels, especially fantasy or sci fi, at first it is very confusing to me, as places and names are foreign and need to be learned.
The manuals (especially the Gudgels manuals, trace, zantrex, outback and now midnite solar! These are the designers of most all the heroic power electronics in the arsenal over the years!) Are carefully laid out with explanation of all operations and nomenclature.
Technical language is the most rapidly evolving of any dialect and the reference to function needs to be understood in a word or phrase or it would be many volumes to get through the introductions. This is the usual stumbling point people are discouraged by, i find.
If you start at the begining of the manual and with your already sound ability to observe and operate the equipment as you have, it will come as natural after a few.
Some settings in the outback controls are alittle esoteric, like setpoints for wake or sleep in mpp or voc%, park, end amps, etc.the main thing is getting it to respond to low light and that the voltage, max amps, re-bulk and time in absorb is correct. Then you can tweak on it. It takes a couple weeks if the weather will not co-operate, maybe a winter if you are not home to monitor often during good conditions.
If you post photos of your dashboard at various conditions and post the setting you have as they are it would be educational for others as much as yourself as you sort out the settings. Ill take a look and other people here will likely have stuff to add.
12.5 volts from an agm battery after a "full" charge with no load is a bit low and i would look for 13.1 or so after completing a cycle and at rest.
12.5v at no load would indicate 80% state of charge. This will wear out a battery in a season or two easily, especially if at 12v or lower, often and for protracted periods of time. Which is not your case, but if the battery lives going not higher than 80%soc, it will not last nearly as long as if it is discharged more deeply but charged full often.