Anyone else make Labneh? I just discovered it by accident. I have eaten it several times in the Middle East but didn't know that is what it was.
I do not eat any american cheeses due to the added growth hormones, antibiotics, etc in the milk - so I was always buying expensive cheeses from europe. And no wonder they are expensive; I tried my hand at cheese making using
raw milk a couple of times and I now appreciate why it costs so much.
I discovered the Labneh when I was straining some organic yogurt to make tzatziki but then forgot about it for a couple of days. When I took it out of the container is was this wonderful creamy ricotta like cheese. It is good on toast, in omelets, in
Now I am on a roll, have some straining now with chives and minced dried tomato. This is so easy even I can do it.