My own domestic
rabbits will eat a bit of meat from time to time. I got in the habit of leaving old
beef bones in their pen for something to gnaw on, in hopes it will protect the wooden pens from being chewed on. It didn't. But they do gnaw the bones a little, perhaps for minerals? When I added more pens but didn't have anymore beef bones at the moment, I threw in some
chicken bones that was from a roasted
chicken we had for dinner. By morning, all the meat has been chewed off the bones. That was surprising. So now from time to time I offer some bones from chicken, pork chops, or whatever we had for dinner. Not often, but occasionally. The does seem to go for it more so than the bucks.
I wasn't aware that they would eat raw meat, but now that I know, I plan to offer them tidbits when we do a home slaughter. We'll share the bounty.