stephanie victa

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since Jan 03, 2012
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Recent posts by stephanie victa

Hi guys!
'm getting on this train too. I hate paper napkins! I recommend cotton or linen napkins. or a blend of both. I make women's clothing and have been making handkerchiefs with scrap material from cuttings. I'd be happy to make ya'll some similar napkins.
7 years ago
Thanks for your reply Paul. I'd work one week for one week of workshop (in an ideal world). I'd love this to be my segway into a new lifestyle, one not working for the "man". Here's a link to a house I deisgned and built in the Philipines. It's nothing like a wofati.

11 years ago
Hello everyone....My name is Stephanie. Could there be a partial discount for working one week? I just dont think i could get off work any longer. I really catch on quick to help out and have been waiting patiently for an opportunity to make it to your place! thanks!!!
11 years ago
Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to fermenting more things besides kim chee and kombucha, perhaps that kefir water. I've always been a little sluggish in the bowel department. Food sensitivities stink, so new goal: eliminate those and move on with life!
Patrick- What is this Natto you speak of? I must look this up. I must also get more recipes.
12 years ago
Hi Wardeh Harmon! Welcome to permies. Could you please talk about some significant positive health changes you've experienced since eating fermented foods? thanks a heap!
12 years ago