Anne Wilson

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since Sep 03, 2012
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Recent posts by Anne Wilson

They both work fine for me Paul, and they are both VERY interesting!  Thanks for these.  
6 years ago
That was fun - and eerily accurate!  I finally understand why I do some of the things I do, like want to jump to the next exciting project once the first has become routine but not finished (arrgh!).  It explains a lot about friendships, relationships, just...everything!

I am an ENFP, -A/-T (55% A , 45% T)

No wonder I love doing Improv so much.  
8 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:My site is officially secure!!

Thanks everyone for keeping me in line.

EDIT: firefox hates me... everywhere else says its secure, but firefox says my photos arent secure.. whatever that means.. Ugh.. back to the drawing board..

Whoa you are smart and fast Cassie! Btw my Firefox loves your site now and considers it secure. Firefox 44.0.2 on Windows 7. (I am not sure if I need to update but this version that I have loves your site)
8 years ago

Cory Dochow wrote:

Cassie Langstraat wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

Cassie Langstraat wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:I went to subscribe but Firefox told me that it is not a secured website (and no https in the url) so I didn't feel safe to enter my info. Can you make it a secure site? I would love to subscribe! And congratulations, it looks FANTASTIC! Lucky us that you did this.

Hi Anne,

I'm not sure why it is saying it isn't secure. Where did you get that message? Just when you went to the homepage?

Regarding not having http in the url, try this:

Hi Cassie,
For a website to be secure according to my (very limited!) knowledge it has to say https:// note the "s" which is missing from your link that you gave me there. So it is possible for any web-savvy person to get the info that anyone enters on that page. I went ahead and took my chances anyway as paypal is secure and I just hope that my name and address and email, phone etc don't get picked up by anyone from the sign up page and sold or misused. You might want to ask your web expert about this.

Thanks for that. I will keep looking into this. But as it turns out, I am my web expert. LOL I built my entire website by myself, but I am definitely NO expert, so I am just trying to figure everything out myself, so it might take some time. Thanks for trusting it.

To add to the HTTPS comments, it is a best practice to use httpS whenever personal information is entered (name, address, email, etc), and absolutely critical when entering things like passwords or credit card numbers. The check out page is not using the secure protocol but once you jump into PayPal it switches to httpS. It would be better if the check out page ( was changed to use httpS so the session is encrypted when users enter their billing/shipping info. For this to happen you will need to purchase/setup a SSL certificate that basically ties an encryption key to the site to secure it. Too much to discuss in this thread but there are lots of good resources out on the web. I suspect you could also have PayPal collect the billing/shipping address and not have to worry about securing it yourself.

Yes I think Paypal will get all that info for you so none of it has to be entered on your order page. That would probably be easier than learning all about SSL certificates. (At least it would be for me as I am no web expert!) Thanks for explaining it so much better than I could Cory.
8 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:

Cassie Langstraat wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:I went to subscribe but Firefox told me that it is not a secured website (and no https in the url) so I didn't feel safe to enter my info. Can you make it a secure site? I would love to subscribe! And congratulations, it looks FANTASTIC! Lucky us that you did this.

Hi Anne,

I'm not sure why it is saying it isn't secure. Where did you get that message? Just when you went to the homepage?

Regarding not having http in the url, try this:

Hi Cassie,
For a website to be secure according to my (very limited!) knowledge it has to say https:// note the "s" which is missing from your link that you gave me there. So it is possible for any web-savvy person to get the info that anyone enters on that page. I went ahead and took my chances anyway as paypal is secure and I just hope that my name and address and email, phone etc don't get picked up by anyone from the sign up page and sold or misused. You might want to ask your web expert about this.

Thanks for that. I will keep looking into this. But as it turns out, I am my web expert. LOL I built my entire website by myself, but I am definitely NO expert, so I am just trying to figure everything out myself, so it might take some time. Thanks for trusting it.

Wow well congratulations on the beautiful website Cassie, it is gorgeous. The not secure part when asking for people's info is scary to me though! This link is helpful:
8 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:

Anne Wilson wrote:I went to subscribe but Firefox told me that it is not a secured website (and no https in the url) so I didn't feel safe to enter my info. Can you make it a secure site? I would love to subscribe! And congratulations, it looks FANTASTIC! Lucky us that you did this.

Hi Anne,

I'm not sure why it is saying it isn't secure. Where did you get that message? Just when you went to the homepage?

Regarding not having http in the url, try this:

Hi Cassie,
For a website to be secure according to my (very limited!) knowledge it has to say https:// note the "s" which is missing from your link that you gave me there. So it is possible for any web-savvy person to get the info that anyone enters on that page. I went ahead and took my chances anyway as paypal is secure and I just hope that my name and address and email, phone etc don't get picked up by anyone from the sign up page and sold or misused. You might want to ask your web expert about this.
8 years ago
I went to subscribe but Firefox told me that it is not a secured website (and no https in the url) so I didn't feel safe to enter my info. Can you make it a secure site? I would love to subscribe! And congratulations, it looks FANTASTIC! Lucky us that you did this.
8 years ago

Dean Howard wrote:I'm so sorry Paul is hurting... the deadline, and 49 other things he does per minute, all have to wait.
When I feel my body getting tight and painful, Sara Ivanhoe's YouTube video, Yoga For Dummies, is my go to thing to get rid of undue aches and pains.
Small stretches, light twists, traction, a rolled up towel to lay on, walks, ice/hot/more ice, massage, letting the world domination go for a while... some even use a little hydrogen peroxide in water (all things heal faster with extra oxygen). Stay off the computer, mill around rather than lounge around, stay warm.

*** If it's going to be complex fix of nutrition, diet, medicine, and science, I like Dr. Frank Shallenberger's Advanced Bionutritionals company approach. ***

Get well soon, Paul. seems as though Paul's mere existence causes good things and his world domination marches forward even when he is laid up with injury. How you ask? It caused Dean Howard to post this extremely useful information that will help me reduce my chronic tightness and pain. This in turn will make me (and probably others) able to achieve more towards permaculture world domination. Thank you Dean. Thank you Paul (who obviously has super powersl) And thank you Cas.
9 years ago
Please don't stress (or let anyone get you stressed) about the delay. Sh*t happens and stress is THE WORST thing for your health. Seriously, it is. Let the love in, disregard any complaints, and PLEASE PLEASE be gentle and good to yourself Paul. The world needs a fully healed Paul more than it needs DVD's by a deadline. Think about it! Sending you love and healing, positive energy Paul...and to you too Cas. Don't let anything stress you, it isn't worth it in the long run eh? <3 <3 <3
9 years ago
Virtual high-five to you Cas, I got part 2 in my inbox at 7:47 a.m. EST today, Wed Jan 6th.(, Firefox and Windows 7)