Jonathan Woolley

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since Dec 17, 2012
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I live in Birmingham!
12 years ago
Yay! Other Alabama permies! I live on 1 acre in Birmingham AL. I've got rabbits, chickens, fruit trees, and vegetable and herb gardens. My goal is to create edible forest gardens and to keep bees.

Just joined the Central Alabama Permaculture Enthusiasts page on FB. I'd love to meet up with fellow permies. Any Birminghamers out there?
12 years ago
My partner and I live on a 1-acre urban farm in Birmingham, AL. We have fruit trees/bushes, chickens, rabbits, cats, and veggie/herb gardens. It's been a journey but we are slowly learning how to be more sustainable. We both have a deep love for the natural world and share a dream of being debt free and living off of the grid.

Unfortunately, we don't know any other permies...

12 years ago