Frank Giglio

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since Feb 15, 2013
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Thorndike, Maine
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Recent posts by Frank Giglio

I went to culinary school and we learned how to make stock. Broths were flavorful liquids that you added ingredients to before serving. Suddenly with the paleo world coming to the masses, broth is the go-to word. That being said, here's an article I put together on how to make broths/stocks.

Three Lily Provisions
6 years ago
Applying heat to fermented foods will have a negative impact on the probiotic count. That being said, using a low heat in the dehydrator (115-118°F) will be less bad than say 200°F. I do cook with fermented food and am not so concerned by losing probiotics because I consume fermented foods on a daily basis and am not worried about potentially not getting maximum benefits from one particular preparation. Dehydrating and powdering sauerkraut is a great addition to salt with the addition of herbs for a nice seasoning. I say try it out!
6 years ago
I have 3 American chestnut (Castanea dentate) here on my property in midcoast Maine. My guess is they are about 20 years old, planted sometime in the mid to late nineties by the original owner. They fruit each year but I've seen almost no edible chestnuts. What I have also noticed is one of them which has taken a beaten over the past few years still hasn't lost its leaves and its February. The other, has seemed to die back on the southern side and I can see some mushroom growth along the trunk. This all makes me feel they are dealing with blight and my question for you is what to do? Is it best to just cut the trees down?
6 years ago
There are some beautiful utensils in this thread. Very inspiring. I got into spoon making this winter and have really enjoyed the process. Using only my hatchet, circle blade, and wanta forge pukko, along with some sand paper.
6 years ago
You can combine them with any mushroom I'd say.
6 years ago
I love black trumpets! I had a pound dried from the 2017 Maine harvest but not much left. I enjoy adding them to soups, which is as easy as adding them in the last 30 minutes of cooking.

Recently, I soaked some in brandy until soft then squeezed out the liquid which i reserved. Set aside the mushrooms. I ended up saluting some garlic, then added the mushrooms and the brandy, reduced by half then added cream and allowed that to cook down and thicken. A touch of fresh rosemary and salt and pepper. Served over steak. delicious!

Great in soup, stew, sauces, added to veg stir-fry. Dark, rich, earthy flavor..  terroir...
7 years ago
Awesome, thank you!
7 years ago
I love to cook, so much so that I've been doing it for a living for over 20 years. In recent years, I have become more and more interested in adding an outdoor kitchen to the homestead. I am still in the planning phase, but did get the area cleared out before winter hit Maine.

Anyone here have an outdoor kitchen they can share info about?

Did you add a sink.. How do you get water there?

7 years ago
Its been in the single digits for a few weeks now here in Maine so I have been taking advantage of the steady cranking wood stove. Stocks and broths on the stove daily full of good quality bones, fungi, vegetables, and medicine. herbs. These cologen rich broths are essential for immune support and will be the base for soups, stews, rice, or ramen dinners. This batch has venison shank which came from a roadkill i picked up in early november.
7 years ago
I currently have a batch of mackerel fish sauce in the works, which when complete, would allow me to make a 100% Maine grown/sourced kimchi!
7 years ago