M Kaer

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since Apr 24, 2013
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Recent posts by M Kaer

Wow!  I am SOOOO supporting this kickstarter!
Looks real good to me!  I plan on buying it for my hubby's birthday gift.
The reward are a bit complicated, and maybe a few too many levels for contribution.  But given the sophistication of the existing community, I think you will be ok.  First timers might be a bit overwhelmed...
all good. purchased the plans and the microdoc. download successful on document and watched good quality video from your page.
It froze before I was asked for an email addy.
No, I just clicked play and nothing happened. That's why I reported it.
Cassie posted links to several pages in her first email. I had a minute, so clicked the first link: http://www.richsoil.com/willie-smits.php. I then tried stuff out on the page to see if it all worked. The Willie Smits video would not load.

(Rushed) feedback for: http://www.richsoil.com/willie-smits.php
The 5 minute video doesn't run; the page would look better if the photo was smaller and the text wrapped a bit better.

I got both emails.
Downloaded 32 page document beginning at Chapter 4 - Operation and Maintenance. Should I have started at chapter 1?
Thanks, Dan. I live in Canada, so I will check the website to ensure they either have a presence here or can ship here.
10 years ago