Hello NS Permies.. The group has really grown since I was here last.. Yay!!
Anyone up for trading? I went the way of buying an old farm to fix up.. which has been an awesome fun adventure.. and because it was an old farm that was left to do it's own thing for ten years.. I have extra.. extra raspberries canes.. extra black locust trees.. extra black/red currant bushes.. and so much more.. While i could dig them up and toss them to the burn pile.. it seems a shame.. especially when so many of you are just starting with a (sort of) blank slate.
So here's my proposition.. It's a U-dig kind of deal.. and I want nearly nothing for them.. Just some Permadvice.. or maybe a even a plant from your garden you have too much of.. or a hug.. one can never have too many hugs.. If your interested.. message me:
Good luck to those of you still looking for your piece of paradise.. It must be hard to pick.. Nova Scotia is so very beautiful
(Laura: Also look in that triangle on the map between Hantsport, Truro & Halifax.. So many old farms for sale for a song.. We have some great little communities and your close to a few busy markets... but not as far away from the city as Bear River or Antigonish)
Gotta go dig..