6 Ways To Keep Chickens - pdf download
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Silke Van der Stockt

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since Jul 26, 2014
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Growing up I had always wanted long hair, but both my mom and the hairdresser said I looked soooo pretty with shorter hair, I never got my long hair. So naturally the moment I left the home I grew out my hair! I have worn it long ever since.
But I am thinking of maybe going shorter again. I have such extremely fine hair, I feel shorter hair may give it a more full look.
But! I don't like going to the hairdresser. So I'll just stick with my long hair for now.
3 months ago
The Practical Mending eBook by Kate Downham sounds exactly the thing I need! I've been wanting to learn to mend my own clothes.
8 months ago
Awww sad this is only for people in the US. I would have loved all these resources!
2 years ago