Voldane Van Pelt

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since Aug 30, 2014
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Recent posts by Voldane Van Pelt

Elijah West wrote:I emailed you with info about me..highly interested

I emailed you back. We are still looking for the right partner. Thank you to everyone who has contacted and we hope you find the right fit. The season is close where we could begin selling at markets if we got the right partner(s) in time. Is anyone out there looking for an opportunity that is similar to what we are offering?
3 years ago
I have a unique opportunity for the right person or couple. Do you want to learn Permaculture, market farming and how to start a natural plant nursery? What about writing and publishing books?  Are you just tired of trading hours for dollars and want a home with meals and utilities in exchange for your help doing things in nature?

If you said yes to one or more of these, this might be the opportunity you have been waiting for. I have 20 acres and it’s in zone 6b. I have 3 permaculture certificates and will have my Masters in the fall of 2021 in writing.

Goats, chickens, dogs, cats and soon ducks, and possibly a pet cow in the spring. I am vegetarian and there is no hunting or killing animals on my property. You can eat meat, others here do. That is not a problem, it’s your body. What is a problem is if you want to kill animals on my property or go hunting and bring back animal bodies to butcher. If you hunt elsewhere, butcher there and just bring back the clean and processed meat for yourself. Then we have no problems.

Now I want to complete many projects and get this into a functional and profitable at some point permaculture market farm, nursery, etc. I am writing and publishing books as well. Slower than I would like but I am making progress.

The problem is I have to go out and work on properties other than mine for cash that I then pay the mortgage, utilities, and all that fun stuff with. I also want to get materials and supplies for the market farm etc. This leaves me without enough time to make the progress I would like.
I also would like to have someone around who loves plants and permaculture to talk to about all that fun stuff. If they love movies and books as well as writing all the better! I want to get one of those 120-inch outdoor screens so we can have movie nights around the campfire.

Rainwater catchment, new goat housing, greenhouses, and cold frames, high tunnels as well as low tunnels, rocket stove in the greenhouse. Outdoor kitchen, tool shed, new chicken coop and run, new garden beds. I am renting an excavator for a week or month in September and putting in several small ponds and swales etc while we have it.
I have several thousand dollars of seeds and will buy more as we get going. I have many items and am always getting more.
I need hard work on the property completed and done well. I want a friend or friends to hand with that similar interests that can become like extended family.
I offer knowledge we will both (all) learn daily as we muck stuff up and get other stuff right. Laughter and friendship. Meals and housing as well. If you need cash, I can do 100 a month but I am not rich and do not have more to spare.

On the upside no rent, utilities, free Wi-Fi, food, and next year if you are still hanging in there with me, we will start selling at markets and there will be profit sharing! Private room but a shared kitchen and bath.
No smoking, drunkenness an occasional beer or wine is fine just in moderation. No parties. No drama. If something is bothering you, let’s chat and figure out a solution. Things grow out of proportion if small problems are ignored too long.

Who else is here? Adelle, 30, was homeless 9 years ago when I thought a community of people would work out and she stayed. Mary is 48 and staying with her family for this year but might be back next year. Faye, 76, is getting her master’s degree, she is an amazing baker and cook as well as canning and gardening experience out the butt.
We can find furniture if you need it. If you need more money, it can be made online or once in a while I have jobs that need extra help offsite and you would get xx amount for dollars for that work. House needs work but utilities, walls, roof, and floors all are solid. We have heat in winter, and fans in summer.
Oh, and me, I am 40 and a permaculture nerd and writer working on publishing books.

So, if this sounds interesting, call 6203071129 or 6205064511. Email is slower expressyourreality@yahoo.com
Midwest location, more details after we chat. Cabin or camper parking is also possible.  

3 years ago
I suggest you expand your search. Do you have a social media presence? A youtube channel, Instagram, etc can spread the word organically, and linking to a free website would help build on that. For $20 a month or it might be 30 now you can advertise on oc.org and find a larger audience looking for community. Or maybe try hosting some woofers. I have had people stay on my land off and on for over 10 years and some were great and some were a disaster. I simply got tired of all the fuss.

If you want to speed things up get a camper or basic cabin. Perhaps even a Derkson style building and you will find many more people willing to chance it. Stick to the rules like your doing. The worst thing you can do is compromise then the people coming out and you are all miserable. The entire idea behind the intentional community is finding similar ideals.  Land Buddy is also a free place to post where you might find people. The more places you post the more likely you are to find the right person.

I would suggest a profit-sharing deal like for market farming or crafts something that they can get some return on effort. Everyone ends up with some expenses and it's nice to know that you are working for a share of the profits.

Also, it sucks but when people come out they tend to want youtube riches etc and post all about what your doing. Which is fine except it can bring the wrong attention to you. Also, make a simple agreement they are not renters or employees they are guests on your property. Otherwise, you can end up with a mess.

Good luck I know there are some great people out there looking for your type of opportunity. It can just be hard to connect with them. Do not lose hope. Just keep seeking the right fit. And for everyone looking for something similar with different views on meat, guns, and pot great. There is the right opportunity out there somewhere for them as well. Most communities fail like Paul says. But the ones that make it do not compromise as much as the ones that do.

3 years ago
What a great design. Thank you for sharing it with us.
3 years ago
Well said. I am in Kansas now but considering the Northwest or possibly Southwest in the next couple of years. I have land, house and am seeking someone that is awake. I would enjoy chatting to see what else we might agree on. pagandreamer@yahoo.com

4 years ago
I am in and thnk you for all you do for Permaculture in general.
This is an opportunity for one or two people to join us on burned out farm land. You will learn: to build rocket stoves, aquaculture, earth integrated green house construction, Water collection, chicken, duck, dairy goat raising, kindle publishing, making money from your land and much more.
This can be a six month or longer commitment. The work is outside and inside, you get room and board as well as a chance to learn hands on. If you like what you learn and want to do your own thing after your 6 months we can help you buy land with owner financing in the area.
This can become a home or only an internship based on your needs and how you fit in.
You will not have a fancy motel room atmosphere. Think of a home made cabin or very small home. That we help you build and supply materials for. Furniture and bedding can be found for you.
We're not rich in material wealth but we are simple, have permaculture certificates and more knowledge to share. This is perfect for someone looking to learn or build a natural life. We eat together, celebrate holidays and are an eclectic group of four. Pagan and natural spiritualism mostly.
We do not want to change your beliefs or have ours changed. The holidays are about celebrating being together, good food, music and just being alive on the land.
To much spam for email at first so give us a call 620-314-9491. No hunting, or raising animals to kill. Three of the four people here eat meat. But it is purchased from town. We need people to begin working with us now to be ready for winter. There is a chance to make a hundred dollars a month after September with a couple days off land work mowing and cleaning empty houses. This is optional. You will have no expenses except personal wants while with us. TP, soap, and such are all provided as well as food and water.
8 years ago