Michelle Lasher

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since Oct 30, 2014
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Do you have anything like this near you?


These people are SO INSANELY popular during holidays like Halloween and Christmas. All the kids within 30 miles go to callie's acre. My daughter is just old enough to enjoy it so we will be checking it out soon, so I cant tell you my personal opinion on what they do, but everyone else seems to love it! Maybe get some ideas from the website and come up with some of your own. I think they really make a ton of money!
9 years ago
I really want to give them another chance too, and I actually have after each chicken. (Which I know they killed). And even the mom has killed and eaten a chicken and I know that that is normal dog behavior. They were hunting for their food. Especially since they have lab and black and tan in their blood. But hunting and playing are different than what I saw yesterday. There was no remorse from either dog. No wining or nudging for her to get back up to play. They smelled her and walked away. It just didn't seem normal. The mama was the only one who showed signs of grief. As I look back another thing that was odd was their total lack of attention they paid to my foot when I broke up the first fight. They did not attack it and it didn't stop the fighting. I actually had to kick the dogs off of her far enough away for her to get up and run, and when she ran it was with her tail between her legs. The puppies should be socially aware enough by now to know that she was in distress and any 'playing' would have ended. Plus, two on one isn't a fair fight. I really only know what I observed and maybe there is an explanation, I don't know enough about dogs to know, but my gut tells me something is off.
9 years ago
Ahhh, so sad I'm going to cry. The parents are both great. The mom is ours, she is lab and black and tan. Wonderful dog. She is very reserved and submissive. If you go up to her while she is eating she will back up and let you in as if to say "you can eat first". The dad is our landlord's dog. He's border collie and chow. He's a wanderer out here in the country so I don't see much of him, but I've never seen him be aggressive. But I know for sure the aggression did not come from the mama. Unfortunately I can't tell three of them apart so I don't know which two it was. There are four left, should they all be put down? And what about the ones I already gave away. One was a boy that looked like the mom (not sure if looks have anything to do with what personality they have), and the other was a female. I have seen aggression in three of the four we have left.
9 years ago
So my dog had a litter of 7 puppies that are now 9 weeks old. They are a mix of black lab, black and tan, border collie and chow. They have been fantastic, never hurt anything, or so we thought. A few weeks ago one of our goats and two chickens died. Well today two male puppies pinned a girl puppy by her neck and were being pretty vicious. She was crying so I went and broke out up. I sat back down and heard them fighting again and when I got back up they had already killed her. It took them about five to ten seconds. I'm no expert but it seemed intentional. So I have a few questions. Could they have killed the goat for sport and left it intact? Second, what should I do with them. I wanted to find them nice homes but I don't want to put anyone in danger. They have never even growled at me or my three year old daughter, who is pretty rough with them. What should I make of this and what are my options? Two have already been given away, should I inform the new owners? Thanks in advance.
9 years ago
Thank you everyone. Still haven't been able to figure out a good breakfast that doesn't upset my body in some way. Sweet potatoes make me tired, fruit makes me bloated, nuts hurt my stomach. I think I'll try out some coconut products and see if I like any, and I'll test some soy free eggs, crossing my fingers it's from the soy. To top this whole thing off I just discovered that I'm slightly underweight, with a BMI of 18. All of this while breastfeeding and now trying to gain weight is quite the challenge. I do think lectins are a problem so I think I'll quit the nuts for a while. I also did an at home Candida spit test which showed that I do have it. UnfortunatelThank you everyone. Still haven't been able to figure out a good breakfast that doesn't upset my body in some way. Sweet potatoes make me tired, fruit makes me bloated, nuts hurt my stomach. I think I'll try out some coconut products and see if I like any. To top this whole thing off I just discovered that I'm technically underweight. I have a BMI of 18. All this while breastfeeding and now trying to gain weight is quite the challenge. Unfortunately, I can't do the cleanse while breastfeeding so I've got about a year longer to try to just keep symptoms under control.
9 years ago
Thank you all for your help! I have leaky gut so I'm hoping all of these allergies are short term. It's so hard and its looking like I'll be eating basically the same things over and over. I'm going to try sweet potatoes and a handful of cashews for breakfast and see how I feel. I tried hummus and black beans this weekend and my body is upset with me today so I think I'll have to avoid those too, which really sucks because it's a cheap source of protein. One weird discovery though is that when I eat something I'm sensitive to it makes me feel MORE hungry, so I think I was eating more than I actually needed before. Without feeling like I constantly need a snack, less variety doesn't sound so bad.
9 years ago
Thank you Dawn. I was actually thinking of maybe doing some kind of broccoli stir fry in animal fat from the night before. Definitely not the typical idea of a breakfast food but I'll try to get over that!
9 years ago
Oh by the way, I'm a breastfeeding mom! So I've also got to make sure I'm getting enough calories and good fat.
9 years ago
I need serious help figuring out what to eat for breakfast!! I'm allergic to:
And I'm very sensitive to sugar, including fruit sugar

What the heck do I eat for breakfast??

9 years ago
Here is what I have now. Its a work in progress. Solar water heater will be on the roof not where it is in the photo. I am trying to decide if the master bathroom is even necessary. The bathroom is probably the most costly room other than the kitchen and it does mess up trying to have all water pipes in one area of the home.
10 years ago