Hello hello,
First, good thoughts and blessings to anyone feeling under the weather.
Amazing volume of wonderful advice, great choice, easier to find what is readily available.
Sambucus nigra, elder, is not the same as ground elder. Best to check to be sure if one is foraging.
Here, one is tall, the one to use, and ground elder is, yes, much shorter, closer to the ground.
Whilst in intensive care a couple of years ago with pulmonary embolism and very persistent cough, friends managed to smuggle in a bottle of peppermint essential oil.
This is a life saver for spasms, in my experience, once I started coughing, I coughed and coughed, until I started sniffing the oil. The relief was very quick, the coughing stopped.
Sniffed in each nostril, breathing in as deeply as possible.
I believe it is equally effective for gastric discomfort.
As a therapy, a steam bath might be helpful.
Thanks to al, for this valuable thread.