Jane Bartlett

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since Sep 01, 2015
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Former city slicker trying to grow SOMETHING in a land of rock.
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Boise, Idaho
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Recent posts by Jane Bartlett

I’m using clumping litter. And sometimes topping it off with one of our many sizable rocks.  (Zero waste, lol)
7 months ago
I had heard male pee is a more effective rodent deterrent than female pee. Glad it’s working for you!

Here in Idaho hills we have rockchucks (marmots) that make quarter mile tunnels.  I’ve have tried pouring cat litter box dreck in their holes with good results. The power of pee!
7 months ago
Welcome Blake!  Berries are such a rich food source for immunity (and my chickens favorite food). I’m hoping to incorporate more diverse plantings for me, and friends and neighbors. A berry bush or tree just might be my go-to gift for birthdays, welcoming a new neighbor, or just an excuse to throw a party and give as a favor!  Thanks for being here.
1 year ago

Kenneth Elwell wrote:

jordan barton wrote:Old school pottery making. local materials. I am not sure if a kiln ended up happening at WL. If it did people could take the mugs/bowls home with them.

Rocket engine or not, a wood-fired kiln.
Maybe it could be both a traditional wood-fired pottery kiln, with  a rocket-fired option. Ceramics opens up lots of options, even for things Paul has listed above... flow forms, tiles (floor or roof), bricks... Can glass bottles be pulverized and turned into glazes?

Yes especially on brick and tile making.
2 years ago
Build a below grade walk-in ice box cooler that can store ice and snow input from winter, maybe in 2’’ wide ‘ice walls’ that contain the ice. See how long it keeps cool through summer.
2 years ago
A buddy is buying 40 acres in Sweet, Idaho 50 miles north of Boise. Currently it’s horse and cattle grazing, wheel line irrigated off a main irrigation ditch. Plans to put in a tiny home and deck for a porch. Looking for someone to live on the land and develop the land into an example of permaculture living.  The local community, and over the hill in the Boise valley, is ripe for moving toward sustainable living - so this would be a great opportunity for raising and selling crops, animals and meat, and contracting to build rocket heaters, solar dehydrators, etc., and consult on other properties. Landowner is flexible on implementation and partnership arrangements (business partners, share cropping, etc.). This would be really cool. Winters are fairly mild; brand new Restaurant and butcher shop just opened within walking distance (in the middle of 30 acres) that will be hosting a farmers market.
4 years ago
I would like to be a spiffy link recipient, please.
4 years ago
Good timing on your post, Tyrone.   I have the same problem tossing peach and apricot pits in the compost - so I have a large bag of both and have wondered about sprouting them.  
A couple years ago I gathered bags of acorns and made acorn flour (it's a lot of work, but tastes great).  You have to put the acorns in water to determine keepers - the ones that float are bad.  A bunch of the acorns I soaked I didn't have room or time to process, so I just stuck them in the refrigerator and forgot about them.  Cleaning it out in the spring, I found about half had sprouted in the bag!  So I planted them and gave the away a bunch. (Lesson:  grasshoppers ate every one I planted - but neighbors with chickens still have theirs).   I'm guessing it'll be similar with the peaches, and I'm anxious to try it.  Thanks for the encouragement.
6 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:Jane,

What might we put in a $100 reward?

Ooooh!  Fun question!

First off, list the waiving of the $100 gapper fee.  But perhaps adding some of the recipes you taunted us all with from your stretch goal idea list.
Those together just might get some people to stretch to a higher commit level.  It's a thought anyway....

6 years ago
Thanks Paul and  Kenneth. Guess I assumed that since Paul's email referenced a $100 amount, there was a reward amount to match.

Paul, if you were to add a $100 reward at this late date, with web and email pizazz to create renewed gusto, it might generate competition amongst the current Kickstarter supporters to make it to the pizza party.   Not sure if it would be worth the extra effort, but it is something you could use if you want to do a "Look Again - we're doing even more" email.
6 years ago