Kate Downham wrote:Lots of news…
Firstly, I'm in the process of putting the Kickstarter page up, having internet issues though and have to go offline soon so I might not get a chance to post it here before I send it to Kickstarter.
Secondly, I’ve decided on a launch date - Tuesday 15th August, 5pm USA mountain time
Thirdly, while tinkering with the Kickstarter image, I decided I wanted to change the cover, here’s the new cover, not too different from the last, just the top image replaced by two new images:
Laura Rutherford wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
Laura Rutherford wrote:Okay, ya got me. Sadly, no new nudity to report.
If you keep this up, I will have to boost my pledge. Just having a hard time getting over the shipping sticker shock - in our Monopoly money, that will work out to over 130 clams and I am not a rich woman. Barely solvent, actually. But I need at least one hard copy...
Did you see Mike's strategy? Something about one order for $65 specifying the "virgin islands" thing. And then a second order for a lessor amount to get exactly one physical book.
You wore me down - I bumped my pledge up, the only problem now is that it won't let me do the second order, it just changes my pledge from the higher to the lower. I need a hard copy!
Zoran Jovanovic wrote:Yeah!