christine shepherd

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since Sep 08, 2016
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Recent posts by christine shepherd

I hope this question is in the correct forum, wasn't sure where to put it.

I recently moved to Denver, and guess what?  Just found out we have a lead service line:

I've been watering the seedlings from the garden hose.  Have I been adding lead to my veggie beds?  What are the ramifications?  Any idea on how to mitigate this while I wait for the city to get around to replacing the service line?

Thanks in advance!
4 years ago
i lost all of my chicken flock to rats last fall as soon as i got rid of my roo (illegal here in portland and someone complained).  chickens were secure, but i kept finding them picked clean and all these little holes dug up in the middle of their 30'x40' run from the ground out, and i found a couple of rats floating in the duck water.  i had half-hoped that with the chickens and their feed gone, they would move along, but portland is a port town and that equals rats, it seems, as i have been seeing them in broad daylight hanging out under my bird feeders!

some have suggested i get a rat terrier.  others have suggested a cat.  i already have a siamese cat and a siberian husky but they are both pretty lazy!  i'd rather not use poison as i don't want my pets to get into it too.  thinking about a terrier, but i do not want to get another animal for a specific job if it's possible they will not kill the rats.  looking forward to hearing your ideas!

6 years ago
I would love to find a lemon tree I could put in the ground here in the PNW.  Is there a lemon that can handle zone 8b?

Would it be better to have it facing south with my other fruiting trees, or close to the stone patio (facing east) for heat transference from the house?  I don't have a greenhouse, yet.
6 years ago
Thanks for asking this question!  I just literally walked inside to this thread after staring at my 4-way grafted asain pear and thinking "how the hell do i prune this thing?"
7 years ago
thanks for your replies!  this is good news indeed, i was about to give up hope.

i know absolutely nothing about structural engineering or foundations.  i do know that i have a very tiny crawlspace, and that the center of the house settled about 10 years ago so slopes downward in the middle.  it's been recommended i jack the house up to level it and put in new supports.  sounds like i should combine these projects.  here's a couple shots of the underneath from the home inspection.

7 years ago
i quickly scanned the forum, but did not see this question covered, so forgive me if i missed it.

most of the plans and rocket mass heater examples i have seen look like they are in new construction, or garages or shops.
i'm wondering if it's possible to add a rocket mass heater to my existing home?  it was built in 1950, the foundation sits on posts over a small crawlspace, no basement.  the room i'd like the heater in has vintage red oak floors i refinished a few years ago.

my question is, are the rmh in general by nature of construction materials too heavy for this application?  would it just fall right through the floor?
also, what's the permitting process like?  i'm in portland, oregon, where you need to file a permit to take a pee.  

in the center of the house, in the kitchen, there is a vermont castings encore wood stove,  but unfortunately this only heats the kitchen and the second floor. the heat never makes it out to the living room, which is on the north side of the house with three exterior facing walls at east, north, and west.  brrrr.


edited to add, here's the home layout:
7 years ago
Thanks Stacy.  I just hate throwing half away every time I feed it, it seems like such a waste!
7 years ago
i've been making naturally fermented sourdough breads for a while now.  curious if anyone here has used the cast-off sourdough starter to make pizza dough instead of packaged yeast?

7 years ago

I do, it depends on how super nosy the people around you are. You can make a No Crow Collar. It's velco collar you put around your roos neck under the feather which makes him sound like he has a smokers cough. Super easy to make. You do need to give him special attention because just like any collar it can get caught in things. You play around with the tightness enough so he can breathe healthy but tight enough so we can't draw in air to crow.

oooh!  very exciting!  if this works, i'll be keeping a roo and be indebted to you.
7 years ago
Ah, if only they were not illegal in my city.  I got several "extra males for warmth" with my order from the hatchery this year, and I'm dreading the day the neighbors complain about the crowing, as I know they will.
7 years ago