a new england transplant.
PNW cover crops
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
christine shepherd wrote:i lost all of my chicken flock to rats last fall as soon as i got rid of my roo (illegal here in portland and someone complained). chickens were secure, but i kept finding them picked clean and all these little holes dug up in the middle of their 30'x40' run from the ground out, and i found a couple of rats floating in the duck water. i had half-hoped that with the chickens and their feed gone, they would move along, but portland is a port town and that equals rats, it seems, as i have been seeing them in broad daylight hanging out under my bird feeders!
some have suggested i get a rat terrier. others have suggested a cat. i already have a siamese cat and a siberian husky but they are both pretty lazy! i'd rather not use poison as i don't want my pets to get into it too. thinking about a terrier, but i do not want to get another animal for a specific job if it's possible they will not kill the rats. looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Andrea Locke wrote:My car mechanic claims that Bounce dryer sheets will repel rats from a space. My car was parked almost continuously from March through July this year (daughter who lives with me has disabilities and a sketchy immune system so we were being super careful of potential COVID exposure) and I ended up with rats making a home under the hood. My mechanic claims that they hate the smell of dryer sheets and to put one in each corner under the hood. I haven't tried it - but now I try to drive the car every week or so, and that seems to be keeping them from nesting under the hood again.
They are obviously keeping an eye on the car, though. I forgot a bag of chicken feed in the trunk the other night instead of moving it to a metal garbage can which is where I keep the feed, and when I went to get it the next morning there was rat poop on the bag and a hole in the bag where they had been eating. I'm tempted to put a rat trap in the trunk, but with my luck I'd forget and reach in for something and set it off and break a finger. Besides, I don't want to encourage them by leaving food in the car as bait. Until that happened I thought they had given up on the car now that it moves around again. Clearly I will need to be more diligent about immediately removing feed and food.
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
I'm all tasted up for a BLT! This tiny ad wants a monte cristo!
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies