Matthias Hacker wrote:...Maybe I should start exporting them🙈
thomas rubino wrote:Indeed, Peter does use kiln shelves on all his test builds.
But I believe that on his more permanent builds, he uses slabs.
What size (thickness) shelf did you use to roof your Batchbox?
Emmett Ray wrote:exhaustipating
L Cho wrote:
Karee Freeland wrote:
Kim Avery wrote:I live in tiny duplex style apartments. I would like to know how to route the exhaust without damaging the wall or ceiling. Board in window with hole?
Kim, depending upon how discreet you'd like it to be, I wonder if it's worth disguising it as a dryer vent? It might go unnoticed/ignored since dryer vents are commonly seen on the sides of buildings.
Joshua Hotz wrote:Was looking through the hardwood section at my local exotic hardwood store and saw they were selling apple for 20$ a board foot.
Thekla McDaniels wrote:
Have you thought of a polyculture of other timber hardwoods? I don’t know if black walnut suppresses apple growth but that is another premium wood.
thomas rubino wrote:...
The air supply frame is the most technical portion of the build.
r ranson wrote:
Maybe a dremmel size disk would be more my style. I'll have to think about that.
Although this pink stuff seems more available in canada these days. That could be easier (scissors also hirt arthritis).