Cheli Bremmer

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since Jun 20, 2017
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Recent posts by Cheli Bremmer

I have been wearing Jockeys for Her for years. There is a small amount of elastic - covered by fabric - and the rest of the entire thing is cotton. Not organic, but cotton and rubber are both bio. The Jockeys are more pricey than the crap cheapo underwear some women by at about $21 for a three pack. They are durable and comfortable, totally worth the money.
I also agree with going commando and doing your kegels!
I just have not found organic undies that inexpensively - and a lot of the organic ones I have tried have not been comfortable. Jockeys bikinis are the best.
2 years ago
I started making my own dish soap from a recipe I found on you tube. That and laundry soap. The plastic waste is abhorrent. I already compost and sheet mulch with cardboard boxes. I do try to think twice about buying anything in a plastic bottle.
4 years ago
I made my own miso with black turtle beans and let it age for two years. It's great! So fragrant and mellow. I have a couple bags of non-GMO soy beans and am planning on making more, and I might try making Tofu, just for gits and shiggles.
I used Celtic or Himalayan salt. And of course koji rice. Good luck! Lotsa videos and blogs on this. It's worth the time and energy.
4 years ago
This is an interesting and somewhat depressing subject for me as I am going to be 59 this year and have problems with my back. I'm trying to use food foresting techniques but there is still much to be done and it seems like if I so much as try to cut a few weeds I get my sacrum tweaked. Hiring men to help is quite expensive, and the option of doing it all myself is not the most appealing when I'm in pain. Moreover I live in Florida and I hate the heat (long story why I'm here) so am looking to start over someplace new! It's hard to Dominate the World when your back hurts. I very much dislike the subtropics... but starting over at 60 isn't exactly appealing either!

4 years ago
Rez, I was looking at the Servus boots and you can get them for $15.00 at Dick's Sporting Goods... And one question: do they run large or to size? I have to convert to mens from and it's always tricky when ordering online.
7 years ago