Josiah Brown

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since Jul 07, 2017
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Recent posts by Josiah Brown

paul wheaton wrote:

Josiah Brown wrote:When I look at the site you directed me to, that you say contains all the content I paid for with my KS level, I still do not see any download links.


Please go to this link:

Look near the bottom of the first post where there is a bunch of blue stuff. This gets you to the PDC and ATC stuff as digital download and/or HD streaming.

Do you see the blue stuff?  Do you see the PDC/ATC downloads?  

Once I know that you have access to this, then we talk about any other issues you might have.  

I do see the blue stuff.  If that is the content available via KS, then I should be okay.  I tested a couple of the download and streaming links found via the premium forums and they seem to be working fine.  Thank you for all of your excellent help on this matter.
When I look at the site you directed me to, that you say contains all the content I paid for with my KS level, I still do not see any download links.  I hate to sound dense, but where exactly on that page, is there a download link?  All I see is a grid with links and "x" marks, then a picture, then description of some video content and some blue text for Premium Content Forums.  I wasn't frustrated before, but I am certainly getting there.

The reason why I was asking about the link that said PDC and ATC as tiny download is because I'm looking for a link to Tiny Downloads and it seemed perfectly reasonable to think that it might be what I was looking for.  And this doesn't even address getting access to the PDC and ATC as HD streaming and the PDC and as HD download which seem to be behind the pay wall as well.

In the first post of the KS support thread, where all the other rewards have their links, there are links that lead directly to the grid where I got the Tiny Download link from and so if the Tiny Download link is incorrect, are the other ones incorrect too?

paul wheaton wrote:Josiah,

I am skipping past the rest of your list.  I suspect that once we solve one problem, it will sorta solve all of the others.

Josiah Brown wrote:Oh, I apologize for that.  But I still get the pay wall when I go to the link you sent instead of a download option.

You must be logged in.  Are you logged in and on the right page?

It seems like you had to be at least once.   You provided a link to something that is only for people that have that access.

Yes, I am logged in correctly and I have the same email for KS as for this site.  I have access to the other KS rewards just fine, but the ones I mentioned are still giving me a bit of guff.  I then clicked on the link you provided in your previous response.

Then I clicked on the PDC and ATC as tiny download link.

After the Day 14 section, there is a window stating that in order to get access to the content, I should pay $150 via PayPal.  There do not seem to be any download links that I can see to any of the content listed on the page.
Oh, I apologize for that.  But I still get the pay wall when I go to the link you sent instead of a download option.

Also, there are other rewards I don't seem to have access to despite the level at which I backed the Kickstarter.  You posted earlier that all the rewards have been handed out and I am simply curious as to how to access the other rewards listed below.  Thank you for all of this wonderful content and the time taken to get it to all of us.

$10 level:
x one evening presentation as HD streaming

$15 level:
x one full day as HD streaming

$120 and higher level:
x all of the PDC as tiny download
x all of the ATC as tiny download

$150 and higher level:
x live access
x all of the PDC as HD streaming
x all of the ATC as HD streaming

$175, $250 and higher level:
x all of the PDC as HD download
x all of the ATC as HD download

Devaka Cooray wrote:Josiah,

You should be able to access all those threads now. Can you please check again?

Upon initial investigation, it seems that the streaming videos work.  I will test each Candy link to make sure, but I think my problem is solved.  Thank you so much for such awesome and prompt help.  I can't wait to dig into all these goodies.
Hi, I'm backer #63 from the Kickstarter.  I backed at the $200 level which includes:
• Rocket Mass Heater 8-DVD set as HD Streaming
• World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set as HD Streaming
• everything in "BOTHLIVE"
• everything in "DOWNLOAD"
• everything in "BOTH"
• everything in "CANDY"
• everything in "THANKS"

I am having an issue.  I have the same email address for both and Kickstarter.  I double checked to make sure.  But, when I click on the links to the rewards as shown above, it still expects me to pay through PayPal even though I am logged in at both and Kickstarter at the moment.  How do I get the rewards for the level I backed through the current system without using PayPal?

Now, even though I have matching email address for both Kickstarter & Permies, I did get an email from the Gir Bot (included below), which is strange because it sent me an email to tell me that it didn't have my email.

I am gir bot! A rather limited bot buried deep within the bowels of this forum software. I come to life once in a while to talk about my favorite things!

Today, I have been activated because paul wheaton wants to give you access to the premium content of "Hugelkultur Micro Documentary - HD streaming" on But the email address I was given was not found in my database. There are two reasons I can think of for this:

1) You have never registered for my forums before. If this is the case, please follow the link below and you will get an opportunity to register. Make sure you register with this email address. Once you are registered, the link below should work every time you are logged in!

2) You are registered on my forums with a different email address. Just add this email address to your account and I will automatically connect you:

Here is the link to your premium content:

If you need help or would like to talk about getting access to this content, please start a thread in the tinkering forum:

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