E Vazquez

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since Dec 02, 2019
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Eliasvazquez149@gmail.com am interested 3479845616 or 6462419464 call anytime.Eli.
5 years ago
Hi J haven't received email call me if you wish 3479845616 or 6462419464 ty for answering E.
5 years ago
Eliasvazquez149@gmail.com please mail me with more details Happy Holidays hope to hear from you soon Eli.
5 years ago
Hello Lizzie.sounds like a good opportunity.Would like to help if we could speak would be better texting difficult.Will abide by all said but can only barter my work for room and board.Can discuss finances.If interested eliasvazquez149@gmail com hope  to hear from you  soon, Eli.
5 years ago
Hi Carrie,Eli here willing to help out anytime you wish.Would love to go up and share the workload some for your excellent establishment.Am having all my time free and can devote all my effort to your endeavors.Am looking for long term roots to grow and would love to save horses.Have experience in construction and plastering.My lifelong dream to live on a farm and living naturally will be met.Please mail me if you would like me to go and visit so we can start doing the necessary steps to save the earth by teaching others. eliasvazquez149@gmail.com  hope to hear from you soon Happy Holidays ,Eli.
5 years ago
Great would love to live and help there so much to learn and do.Willing to go if you'll have me let me know eliasvazquez149@gmail.com.
5 years ago
Hello. I'm interested but have no Financial situation will grow mushrooms and ginseng as cash crops need space and small living environment unemployed at the moment but willing to rough it out I'm in New York City right now I'm hoping to find a place where I can be of help teach others how to save the planet get back to me if you wish at 347 984 5616 or 646 241 9464 anytime we can reach an agreement mutually beneficial ty hope to hear from you soon.eli.
5 years ago