Dan Fish

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since Dec 31, 2019
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Sierra Nevada Foothills, Zone 7b
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Recent posts by Dan Fish

Once again, fantastic.

I have dreams of making a cross between a tomahawk and a pulaski. Like a legit tomahawk with a single-hand sized grub hoe on the back where there is oftena  hammer or a spike. Say 2lbs with an 18" handle. Someday.....
3 months ago
Dude those are sweet!

Best thing I ever made was a knife (more of a prison shank really) from a stick of rebar...
3 months ago
I don't have either. But "the word around here" is that propane is only good for the convenience of hooking up to a large propane tank that your home already uses (and thus, near infinite genny time when the power is out). Other than that I hear that propane is an inefficient fuel source for a generator. No one I know off grid has a propane generator.

What do I know though, mine runs on gas hahaha.
3 months ago
I am good with everything that isn't a bald-faced hornet or a ground hornet. The bald faced ones are just too mean to abide and the ground horns are just no fun to discover.
3 months ago
4 months ago
Hi Jay,

Yeah manzanita is great. The "little apples" are great tasting little balls of what tastes like a hydrated cider mix or something. And as far as rot resistance, I just dug out some 3 year old manzanita from a hugel because it just won't go soft! It's like it is rising to the surface and making it hard to plant in there.

Oh and Arbutus is my favorite tree! They are wierdly similar, they are both red, burn crazy hot and shed their skins like a snake. OK Sorry for the hijack everybody!
4 months ago
I like that! Slow dance of the woods...

I have manzanita all over. If you are not familiar it is the gnarliest little shrub tree out there and hard as integral calculus. Pretty too! It makes a great looking fence or table legs if you have the time to ad hoc it together.
4 months ago
Some ways that I know:

Trees get held down under snow and warped.

Another tree falling and holding the tree down to it has to grow bent. Then the fallen tree rots out or gets cut, burnt or whatever and leaves behind the oddball.

Trees looking for light in a crowded forest.

The earth moving under the tree, so it slowly takes a bow shape trying to remain upright.

I am sure there's more.
4 months ago
To save money and waste:

Buy one that runs off the green bottles, the Coleman ones. Then you can buy a $10 adapter that will let you refill your propane canisters at home from your big bottle. No more paying for a chunk of useless metal when all you really want is the propane inside.

As far as covering a gas powered cooking appliance to save a bit of money... Hell no.
4 months ago