A New Poop
A little while ago in a galaxy not all that far away. . .
. . .in fact maybe on my back porch. . .
bababaBA BA bababaBA BA
SLANTY SUBTITLES: The Empire had trapped six resistance fighters in a hardware cloth box made with 1 by and some legs so their poop could fall down through the wire onto soil.
RESISTANCE QUAIL FIGHTER: The Empire has forgotten to feed us!
SLANTY SUBTITLES: The resistance fighters had begun to organize.
(Quail sit around staring in different directions).
EVIL MUSIC: ba, ba, ba, ba-ba, ba, ba-ba.
DARTH QUAIL: Luke, I am your father. I think. There were a lotta hens around, and we really didn’t keep track of which egg rolled out of which hen. . . so. . .ah. . .well this is awkward. . .Luke, I MIGHT be your father.
They fight. Peck, peck, peck.
QUAIL STORMTROOPER: Your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on me, old man. I don’t have a mind, I’m a quail! My brain is the size of a pea!
CQuailPO: babaBA!
RquailDquail: baBAbababa babaBA woaoao!
CQuailPO: You know, you sound more like a chicken when you do that woaoao sound.
PRINCESS QUAILA: Here are the plans to the Death Star. We’ll break in here to liberate the Grubblies.
LUKE QUAILWALKER: What happened to your neck feathers? Did the Imperial Stormtroopers…?
LEIA: Hey, stop pecking my neck, Luke. Ooh, food! (Peck peck peck)
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Let’s focus, quails. We need a diversion. Here’s the plan, we’ll poop in our water, that’ll show the Empire! Then, we’ll drown ourselves in it, get mysterious illnesses, fly straight up and hit our head on the ceiling for no reason, and poop in our water. Look, our water froze over! It’s a sign! Now we can walk on it and poop on it more easily! Luke Quailwalker, looks like you’re up.
LUKE QUAILWALKER: Just like hunting larvae on Gramulon 5. Only problem, sir, I can’t really control my bowel moments, they just come at random.
RESISTANCE FIGHTER: A Jedi quail must learn to trust his feelings. May be Grubblies be with you. babaBA!