R Marie

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since Jul 13, 2020
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I am way too old for you; but I have been working towards being a Proverbs 31 woman my whole life.  I want to encourage you, because you have encouraged me  with your post.  You are looking for the same thing in a woman that I am in a man.  

I know it seems like no one is out there; but there IS!  You keep your standards as God standards and don't you dare compromise!  God has someone for you and she will come at just the right time...HIS timing.  I feel just as you do..that there is no one out there that is equally yoked to me.  (Or for my kids anymore, with the way the world is going.)  

In the meantime, stay in the word, become the Godly man you want to be for those around you, do things you love, and serve the Lord...and She will come when God ordains it.  (And, of course you can pray for God to bring her to you!)

Keep your faith and trust in the Lord.  He holds the answers to ALL your desires and He is never wrong!  

Trust in God's promises!  He is for you, he wants to give you your heart's desires, and He has a plan for you!  

Proverbs: 16:9
A man's heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps!

Thank you for your post!


This is so exciting!

You are doing it; and that is inspiring...:-)

Keep following your heart's desires and passions; the rest will come!


Rooting for you to find the next stage of your journey!  

You sound strong and motivated; you will be okay!


I just wanted to take the time for respond to your beautiful post.  Most definitely, your new home is going to be a paradise.  The water looks amazing!!!  

Your love for your animals shines through and one can tell that they love and respect you.  Beautiful animals!

I don't know that I am quite the right fit for you; but sounds like anyone would be blessed to join you on your wonderful journey!

Thank you for sharing a piece of who you are and your plans...it looks amazing!

Blessings on your travels!

That is soooo exciting!  I love Tennessee; hoping to get out to those parts eventually!

The land looks beautiful and I can just 'see' the possibilities!  

Love the creek too:-)



I think what you are doing is awesome!  I hope to find my way to Tennessee someday!  

I am sorry to hear about your husband; off grid is definitely something that either calls to the soul or not.

Blessings in your search and everything you are doing sounds amazing!

Have a great 2023!!
2 years ago

I don't know why I feel called to also share with you that my biological clock was ticking in my mid-thirties; I always knew I wanted kids and a lot of them.  At 37, I had come to the realization that maybe God had different plans for me and kids might come to me in a different way.  I do believe I semi-forced a relationship to make this dream come to fruition; even though that isn't the only reason I moved forward with a relationship that God clearly told me was not for me.  (I won't get into all the gory details here.)  

Anyway...I had my babies at 39, 41 and 43.  Let's not forget that Sarah had her first baby in her 90s, Elizabeth had her first very late in life too.  If you are meant to have children biologically, nothing will stop Jesus.  I was even told by alternative Drs that I really respected; my hormones would not allow me to have children.  My pregnancy journey/ testimony is truly a miracle; and too much to share here. But, I just want to remind you that while your clock is ticking...God is not worried.  He has a plan and it is not to keep your desires from you.

I just want you to take heart in the fact that science doesn't trump the King; the master Dr/Physician.  In my case..science told me one thing, but God told me another.  I chose to believe Him; and BIG faith pleases God.  Just keep your eyes fixed on Him and HIS promises.  The world can be noisy...and peace is hard to find when we have deep desires  and the world is shouting how we should meet those!

Not sure why I felt compelled to write this; but I'll trust that the Holy Spirit intended it for someone...:-)  

Have a great day and good luck catching those mice!  
3 years ago
Loved your post! Absolutely loved it:-) I laughed out loud a couple times too.  I do believe you are good at writing!

I could relate to everything you stated. I am also a devout Christian woman; devoted to Jesus first and foremost.  I always think there is no one like me and that I get 'weirder and weirder' as I mature in Christ and peel off the worldly 'skin' so to speak.  

I have never thought meeting someone online was God's design for us; to me it seems to be forcing God's hand and timing..which is perfect.  Also, it seems a bit weird to pick someone out by a formula of criteria.  ie; blue eyes-Check, changes underwear daily-check  (hee hee ha!), likes animals-check, has a job-check....get the picture.  I have a post here under R Marie. It took me sooooo long to actually write it; but I felt if God intends for me to meet someone, someones or a community via this site...then so be it.  If the person or community He has for me is here; then they will find me.  I believe, at a man's core, they have a deep need to pursue.  In my experience and studies; it never works when the woman does.  If we want a man to lead; so much starts with him leading the pursuit.  If I have learned one thing in my dating life; it is that a man WILL pursue when he wants to.  Once he does; the dance has the beginning it needs to unfold into a beautiful thing.

I do believe that God will put the right person in our lives at the perfect time.  And He IS the God of the universe; parted seas, defeated armies with trumpets, and breathed the world into existence.  He could drop a man in your front yard when the timing is right.  When we force it or try to control it; that is when bad relationships happen.  We all believe in organic living on this site; well, organic relationships are just as important.  They are slow, take time and build over time.  Online and microwaving the natural 'process' of finding a soul mate/partner....is not going to yield us what we desire.  To be known, loved, supported and to walk this life with someone that 'gets' us.  For me; most importantly...that gets a life is no life at all without Jesus.  And a compost toilet:-)

Blessings to you Alana; be patient, wait...God will bring you your heart's desire!  The world screams, family screams, friends scream...do it yourself, chase it, find someone....but, I believe this to be really bad advise.  Worldly.

Have a great evening; and if you write more, I will read it!
Sister in Christ,
3 years ago