Ore Green

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since Jul 25, 2020
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Recent posts by Ore Green

I'm in the first 10 to back this project. Where does one find the exact number that was recorded as a backer?
2 years ago
To be rooted in your life's situation, one must first start by planting the seed of an idea.  A seed of vision towards a future reward based on individual effort. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" is one idea and mantra that came to the forefront of many people who have passed through this life before us. Yet, as a 'seed of an idea', the unknown rewards of that style of thinking can keep on giving to those who embrace it. As 'seed drift' populates other terrains without intentional application, beneficial natural propagation can expand amazingly beyond the initial planting of that first inspired seeding. So goes the unintentional expansion of creative diversity that came about from contemplating one innocent idea. The notion that if they can do it, I can do it also. Courage blossoms from inspired visions not contemplated before. It can all start with that first inspired intention, and then the effort of paying attention to developing that intention will lead to yet unknown rewards. Do ye dare sow that first seed? Do ye dare not?
2 years ago
I found a wonderful grain grinder 15 years ago at a Goodwill that was 2 stone wheels, perfectly balanced, attached to a 3/4 HP electric motor within a wood cabinet. The stainless steel tray above the wheels had a small hole that fed the grain at a metered rate which produced a wonderful consistency of flour based on the adjustable space between the 2 stones. The resultant flour landed in a rectangular SS tray below. This thread brought to mind the fact that this delightful device is now among the ashes of a fire that consumed my double wide mobile and lifetime accumulation of practical things recently on Nov. 7th. My mental inventory of items lost in the fire had not acknowledged this until now...many little things are now just a memory. So life goes on and a release of attachments to 'things' has been ongoing. Still, that was the best flour grinder I had used in my 69 years here on the planet. Maybe a replacement will appear magically in my future travels.
3 years ago
Kirk - Thanks for the generous donations to help further practical knowledge for those who might be financially challenged these days. Good luck to all entrants!

I found this simple concept practical for not only bones and eggshells, but oyster shells for chickens also.

Yes! Count me in...I love to prepare new recipes for the thrill of the tasting experience when it's prepared and ready for eating.
4 years ago
I'm getting the same "Oooops.. You don't have sufficient privileges to access this forum" message after signing up...Backer number 1,249...received the Project Update #17