Stephen Timms

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since May 04, 2021
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I saw a post recently, suggesting extra items to go towards one of the foraging badges. But the suggestion could not be incorporated because it must include plants that are also native to Montana.

I understand the reasons for this at the initially development of the SKIP program. But after the kickstarter, there must be a great deal of people that are getting involved in SKIP around the world or at least around the United States.

Would it not be beneficial for the goal of SKIP to step away from its Montana requirements?

Of course, PEP is Permaculture Experience according to Paul. There is also PEX, and PEA. A lot of work has gone into making PEP what it is today, that is evident. It would be a shame if the insistence that it remains tied to Montana, forces people to be unable to complete a badge. So much work has gone into PEP, why not have as many people be able to do it as possible? Why lose out on participants because their local resources cannot be linked to Montana?
To continue with the Foraging badge as an example; is it not the point of this badge to encourage the development of foraging skills, the identification of edible species, and the use of these ingredients? How is the development of that skill diminished if the foraged resource does not occur in Montana?

It’s possible for a potential Otis to be from anywhere in the world.

I am aware of PEX, and the possibility of others making badges for different regions of the world. Which is fine if it is something specific for a different climate, such as desert environments. But if every regional variables are excluded from PEP, and require an equivalent PEX badge, then there is a risk of diluting the SKIP program, and diminishing the value of the current curriculum.

I hope this can be seen as a suggestion and concern I have for a body of work, that I am passionate about, and not as criticism.
2 years ago
Since I'll be foraging a lot of blackberries for the other badge, can I use them to make a dish that will qualify for this badge?
2 years ago
Beginning to feel more confident with woodworking, since no real experience prior to SKIP. Still making some basic mistakes, but pleased with the outcome generally.

Will do a bit more work on this tidying it up, but it meets the specifications!
Some mint, growing wild amongst the hedgerow. Surprisingly simple and tasty. Just needed a finer mesh to sieve it through!
2 years ago
I fiddled around with a few different designs, but settled on something simple!

Half a log, with drilled holes, and held in place with natural twine. Sheltered by the hedge. Hopefully to be home to mining bees of the Andrena sp. I'll keep an eye on it over the next few months!

2 years ago
Planting 5 poop beasts (and one spare). Willow rooted cuttings bought from a local Farmer's market.

I write about my experience with SKIP and collecting badge bits in a blog here: please do consider checking it out.
'Hey, honey, come out into the garden a second, I need you to photograph something...'

Feeding my new poop beasts. 6 planted  and rooted willow cuttings
Here are the progress shots of the assembly of this birdhouse.

I've started a blog about my attempts at earning badge bits, and I've written about my experience of this badge bit too: