Johanan Viljoen

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since Jan 04, 2022
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I'm confused about what I've missed?

A. Urine is being applied (according to instructions, using a container for transfer is okay).
B. The plant is visible, and the soil is moist (it's been raining for the last two days).
C. I've reported on the urine-loving plant.

I'm not being difficult, I just don't see the missed requirement. 😅

**Edit:** Thanks for the clarification 🙏🏼.
Can't believe it took me so long to spot this BB! We do this anyway.

We've found that by cycling our pumpkins (in this case), and other nutrient-loving plants through a cycle of urine every four weeks, and exudates from our worm bins every four weeks (but the two cycles are two weeks apart, so the plants get fed fortnightly), we get some excellent results.

Bonus image of a 17-pounder and some others we pulled in this morning.

Thank you so much, Anne!

Anne Miller wrote:Johanan, you have come to the right place to learn about perennial vegetables as we have a whole forum devoted to the perennial vegetable:

Here are some threads of interest to you or others:

I am looking forward to what everyone's favorite perennial vegetables are.

1 year ago
Thanks @Matt. We have a couple of native options but they're far from exhaustive. Things like Bambara nuts/tiger nuts, Etc.

But, it's a rather limited niche, to be frank. I don't mind doing the experimentation, to try different places.

@Nancy, Our highs are around 52 degrees Celcius (That's heat-wave conditions, they tell me). The coldest we got this year was around negative 4.
1 year ago
Welcome, to my next BB application featuring: My rusty old $7 axe!!!

1 year ago
Hi y'all,

 You've heard from me a couple times before. Nothing major, but I'm always lurking.

 I'm looking for some new ideas for perennial food crops I can add to my mix. We moved less than six months ago to a brand new climate and region - semi-arid, intense, red, sand (with the slightest dash of clay), Landscape dominated by grass and thorns with trees (sorry, I meant thorny trees). Lots of rain during the rainy season, from what I'm told (Circa 500-600mm), but really, really dry during the Fall and Winter months, as well as the first two-ish months of Spring.

We have a well, but it's not been a super producer thus far. After around 6 weeks of careful water saving, we've managed to accumulate roughly 2,000L.

Now, we've just built our first hugelkultur, and we're experimenting a little with small pits, and heavy mulching. But, I don't really want to spend another six months working incredibly hard for little tangible reward. I'd love to get more perennials going, and more gardens that become semi-self-sustaining.

I know y'all are the superpeople of permaculture, so I'd love to hear your ideas. Particularly for planting styles that might work well, and perennials. I have a couple of cardoon, artichoke, and Roselle plants. And, planning on putting in some ginger, turmeric, and asparagus (the darn cat ate the first lot 🤣). I really like unusual vegetables and plants, so lay them on me!!!

Thanks in advance.
1 year ago
This seems pretty accurate for me.
I've been keeping quail for a while, but this was my first time processing some of the extra males. They went straight into the freezer afterwards, and became a lovely stew later in the week.
1 year ago
Around here, we have plenty of Chinaberry trees. It's an invasive that spreads like wildfire and guzzles the already scarce water.

Decided to take this one down with the bowsaw and get my bb in the process. 😋
1 year ago