Surprises for me
-Amaranth leaves for the win, now to present my findings to my family and
chickens who refuse to eat it.
-thank God orach made the list.
-Saltbush leaf has top marks for Ca, Fe, and Mg, and high amounts of fiber. Well good thing southern Colorado is covered with this bush.
-Goji berry has top ranks for vit A.
-prickly pear pads are apparently very nutritious
-Elm fruits (samaras),
stinging nettle, hops, grape leaves, and mulberry leaves are apparently superfoods and lettuce is just kind of... meh. Have we been eating the wrong things for the last 2,000 years?
-milkweed has top marks for C and Fe. Isn't that poisonous?
But, some glaring absences from the list are sunflowers, potatoes, tree nuts,
apios, and any grain. Were these included in the study or are they simply not nutritious