Riley Smith

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since Jan 09, 2022
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Recent posts by Riley Smith

I'm interested in growing sweet lupins, particularly a variety (guessing commercial only/patented "australian sweet lupins" which require no soaking or have no alkaloids.

I'm still googling, but finding one's that still need soaking, etc. And while soaking like other beans is not a deal breaker, it'd be nice to not have to.

Thus me asking for any help finding seeds.

Thank you!
1 week ago
Judith, that is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

Now I have to look up how to make a fermenter for the tempeh. I think just a box with a light would work in a pinch, but crafting something sturdier will be my end goal.
1 year ago
I'm looking into making tempeh, and the whole de-hulling part sounds like such a pain. My lazy, ADHD riddled brain had the idea of using soy flour instead of beans.

I can't imagine this won't work. It might take longer to ferment perhaps, or perhaps won't have the same consistency, perhaps denser, perhaps it falls apart, but otherwise it should work.

Anyone have any thoughts on using soy flour for tempeh?
1 year ago
Will do, thank you for the lead!
1 year ago
I am trying to get together a general game plan for designing a greenhouse for my back yard. I would like to be able to do this all myself, if possible.

Probably important info:

I live in Louisville, Kentucky, where a quick google says we are either zone 6 or right in between zone 6 and 7. I will operate under being in zone 6.

I want to mostly grow leafy greens, maybe with a tomato plant in there as well.

I want to be able to produce year round, maybe not tomatoes, but at least the leafy greens.

I need the greenhouse to be at least somewhat insulated, to produce year round.

The orientation of the green house would have to run east to west longways. Facing the back of my yard is roughly west, the right side is north. It has to be on the far right side of the yard, because that side of the yard is the only part that gets good light, there is some there for most of the day, if not all of the day.

The greenhouse can be about 10 or so feet wide, and long ways much longer, 20, 30 feet even.

I was thinking double layer poly. The structures "bones" I have not decided, I assume I would need either metal or wood.

I am considering how to heat it in winter to get the most bang for the buck. Is insulating the ground of the greenhouse from the earth a requirement, or a good idea? I don't know if the greenhouse would be wide enough for meaningful heat from compost. I don't have any animals to stuff in there, would prefer not to just to keep things simple. I am considering throwing in some geothermal cooling, as in digging deep trenches, throwing tubing in there, and using it to heat and cool the greenhouse.

I'm trying to get everything laid out, so I can have a shot at doing things well, and properly. Measure twice, or even thrice, then cut once.

Thank you for any and all help.
1 year ago
I live in Kentucky, 6b, and I have a spot for somewhere between 3 and 6 dwarf fruit trees. I am looking for the highest quality (tasting) fruit, and am not so concerned with yield. Are there any cultivars you guys can recommend? Thank you!

I'm looking at cultivars now. If I can fit 6, I have the idea of having three sets of two different cultivars, or maybe two sets of three different cultivars. The idea being to spread out the harvest season, having as many peaches as possible for as long as possible.
1 year ago
Thanks for all the info.

I have looked at Puerto Rico and Hawaii, but a big plus is Florida is drivable. Have to fly to those.

Hawaii is the better option, just much more expensive. Which is fine, but it limits me. However, the better social climate also does play, so that makes cost acceptable.

I forget to respond because I am busy with life, and check up on these a few weeks or months, because answers sometimes take a while here. I ask similar question in different areas to get more results.
1 year ago
So I am just daydreaming about a vegan homestead, and I was wondering how much wheat it takes to produce wheat gluten. Thinking ahead of how much land to look for down the road, and it would nice to be able to know I could get X number of pounds of vital wheat gluten per acre
So I'm just fishing for areas of the world, preferentially in the Caribbean, or Oceania most preferentially.

By close to ocean, 30 minute drive or so is acceptable. Not next door, I'm not rich haha.

Far from people, by that I mean very rural. Like preferentially very, very, isolated and rural. Less people the better

I know that is a lot to ask, but im wondering if you guys could suggest areas. I'm still open to other areas, but those I put up would be great. Not looking for resort style life, more rural homestead in the tropics.
1 year ago
So I'm interested in a tropical climate, and in the US that us only available in Southern Florida, in the contiguous US of course.

However, I have reservations about hurricanes, and floods, etc. It seems they have floods or hurricanes every other year now, but that is likely just how it seems.

Anyone have experience or knowledge in this department?

Also, anyone have knowledge or advice on cheap, very rural areas of southern Florida? I would appreciate as little population density as possible. Preferably undeveloped or almost undeveloped, if that makes sense.
1 year ago