Charles Kelm

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since Apr 30, 2010
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Western Washington (Zone 7B - temperate maritime)
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Western Washington (Zone 7B - temperate maritime)
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Recent posts by Charles Kelm

My wife has GERD, and whenever it flares up, she chews a couple of peppermint Altoids.  Goes away in seconds.
8 months ago
You can even use a pressure cooker to make baby food.
1 year ago
When I cook beans, I always add some baking soda to help them soften. Most of my beans I bought a while ago, and as beans age, they get tougher. Baking soda solves this problem, but you'll want to rinse them afterwards to get rid of the baking soda flavor.
1 year ago
I haven't heard of the borers in my area near Bellingham, WA.  I planted 2 years ago and now they're about 20 feet tall with no root suckers to be seen.  It's funny, but I haven't seen any seedlings sprout even though they drop thousands of seeds each year.
2 years ago
Welcome Patrick, glad you're here! I gave my wife a Truly Garden Hori Hori knife as a gift many years ago, and it is still one of her favorites and sees use each season. I can say it really is a great knife!
2 years ago
Kelly - I like your ideas.  I'm not a router guy, but soon I will have to start using one to round off the wood railing tops to replace the rotten planks on the railing that surrounds my deck.

I wonder if a powerful wheat grinder would work.  Probably not since it would be difficult to feed the root into the machine.
Kelly yeah I see it all over the place. I have heard smoking it is actually really good for you. Back in the day they see it to cure tuberculosis.
I have about 40 of these growing right now that I plan to harvest soon.  I heard Jack Spirko once talk about how some unscrupulous people use the seeds to stun fish (they float to the top).  Illegal of course. Anybody ever heard of this?
If you find comfrey growing somewhere, how can you tell what variety it is?
4 years ago
It grows wild all over our 5 acres. It gets ripe right around the time that I get super busy, so I never really get a chance to harvest it.  If anyone lives near Bellingham, WA you're welcome to come pick some or dig some plants up (but I hear it doesn't like to be transplanted, but you are welcome to try).
4 years ago