Starting December 9th, you’ll get expert tips, advice and guidance on making pressure cooker recipes. We’re not going to leave you to fend for yourselves – this series also includes hand-holding and ongoing support directly from expert cooks in our forums and Laura Pazzaglia – founder of the website, cookbook author, and pressure cooker manufacturer consultant.
Each episode in the series has detailed explanations and demonstrations on how to use the pressure cooker, tips on what to do and a delicious, recipe (or two)! Included, too, are a written episode summaries (go your own speed), articles with more details (delve deeper) and down-loadable materials to use as you wish*- teach someone else to pressure cook!
Read more: Welcome to Pressure Cooking School!
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
John Polk wrote:As a side note, a friend inherited a 40 year old pressure cooker when her grandmother passed away. It needed a new gasket, plus some other parts. She found them all at
So, don't just throw away an old cooker because the local kitchen store doesn't have parts !
MizEllie and her Service Dog, MaeMae
Zone 4, NW Wisconsin
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
MizEllie and her Service Dog, MaeMae
Zone 4, NW Wisconsin
How to Choose an Opening Method Using the wrong opening method can give you limp veggies, bean mush or rock-hard dry meats – here are a three principles that you must know to choose the right opening method for your pressure cooker recipe: The food is still cooking even when it isn’t “cooking”. When the pressure cooker is both building and releasing pressure, the temperature inside is near or above the boiling point, which means the food is actually cooking during this time, too. This is generally fine for meats, legumes and desserts. It is not fine for vegetables that you may want to have more al dente as they continue to cook during this time- choose the fastest release method for veggies while more robust foods will benefit from a longer opening method. The faster the release, the more movement. The speed at which pressure is released is directly related to how much movement is inside the pressure cooker – more speed gives the food more movement.
NORMAL pressure release Sometimes this method is called Quick, Manual and, confusingly, Automatic. This is a fast opening method that can take 2 to 3 minutes. Normal pressure release means that the cook should use the valve, or pressure releasing mechanism particular to their cooker (such as a button to push, a lever to twist, or a slide to pull), to release pressure.
SLOW NORMAL pressure release This is a relatively fast opening method and can take from 5 to 6 minutes depending on the pressure cooker type (the element in electrics still retains heat after turning off) and fill level (more food will retain more heat). Similar to Normal release, this method releases pressure using the cooker’s valve, or the pressure releasing mechanism, but pressure should be released very slowly.
10-MINUTE NATURAL pressure release This is a slow and somewhat delicate pressure release, and as the name suggests, takes only 10 minutes – a little more if there is still pressure in the cooker that needs to be released (usually with electrics).
NATURAL pressure release This is the slowest and most delicate pressure release method, it can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the pressure cooker type (electrics take longer due to their thermos-like construction) and fill level (fuller pressure cookers will take longer).
Today we’re going to get acquainted with the pressure cooker. We’re going to learn all about the pressure cooker parts and what they do, the safety systems and we’re also going to put it through a test run, to see how it works.
Read more: Getting Acquainted – Pressure Cooking School
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
Ronnie Ugulano wrote: Lorna Sass writes a book Cooking Under Pressure that makes cooking with a pressure cooker a breeze.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Today we’re going to make our first pressure cooker recipe: a delicious Garlic Cauliflower Potato Mash – don’t worry, it’s easy! We’re also going to discuss your pressure cooker’s minimum liquid requirement and any adjustments you’ll have to make if you want to double or halve a pressure cooker recipe.
Read more: The First Recipe – Pressure Cooking School
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
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