elizabeth tolson

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since Jul 25, 2024
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Hi I’m Liz sometimes I go by Sunshine, I live in eastern Washington on huckleberry mountain range. I’m staying on family property to build my self sustainable homesteading skills. I make my own medicine , forage and grow my own food, learning new trades every day.
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Recent posts by elizabeth tolson

Hey guys I’m about to ferment  78lbs of cabbage , I’m trying to find the right section to post this.
I’ll be making different variations of kraut and kimchi🖤
I mostly lacto ferment all my harvested goods, does this count as preserving ?
Hiked up a mountain a picked just shy of 4.5 lbs of huckleberries this morning, I thought well
I better go check and look to see if it’s apart of the curriculum, sure enough 😊
5 months ago
It’s raspberry season yall! While picking berries I harvested some leaf from first year plants that have not fruited yet, I let them air dry on my wood stove (because I’m lazy) I jarred them up for tea and other medicines needed in the future.
6 months ago
Harvested cayenne last year, I dried it, packed a jar full, smooshed it down to break up
The dried pieces , I used everclear for one jar and vodka for the other, let sit for a month and strained. I use this tincture as a mouth spray for anxiety and breaking bad habits.
Its great for quitting vaping, everytime
You want a hit just spray your mouth 😂 I promise it does the trick.
6 months ago
Harvested comfrey leaf, bruised by rolling and smooshing it on granite, placed on wound held down by bandana 🖤
6 months ago
Harvested some plantain , comfrey, mint and lavender. Bruised then placed into pot with oil
Let it sit on low heat, strained thru cheese cloth, and added beeswax. Put into jars and let cool.
6 months ago
Late morning foraging for SJW blooms. The weather is strange, most are dying off from
Dry heat or not quite ready to be picked. I put some of the blooms in a small jar, covered in everclear, let sit for a couple weeks, shook regularly, and strained. Ready for use 😊
6 months ago