Good King Henry aka Lincolnshire Asparagus is a keeper. Greens in the early spring, then eating it like asparagus and then a grain in the Fall. When we sold it at market there were folks that liked it more than traditional asparagus. Never tried to harvest it as grain but I have read it was done way back when. It is easy to propogate by splitting in Spring.
Another would be sorrel. If you are in England you may not be able to get the profusion variety which is only available from Richters in Canada. Never bolts even in the hottest summer and once again very easy to propogate.
Ramps are only available in Spring but another one that spreads easily and reliable. Here in Maine they are ready in early April. Nature knows you are ready for a cleanse. Tough to grow from seeds. The plants will become available on ebay in March. A pound of plants will get you a nice bed started.