Shellfish gardening is a native Americas skill, in which rocks and sea weed are placed to make a kind of berm in tidal areas, the benifit is that in these rocks shellfish are able to grow and be farmed!
I would love to raise awareness for this practice because it has many benefits!
Thanks Alex for posting this. We live on coastal Maine and recreational clam but have never heard nor seen anything close to this being done. We live very close to the Passamaquoddy Township and I have reached out to two friends there to see if they know anything about this. Please, if anyone has any more information on this I would love to hear about it. We live in an area with some of the highest tides in the world and wonder if that might be a problem.
Getting started on building our garden. Never been tried around here (Washington County) as far as I can tell. I will learn how to take pictures and post them. Here is a place where you can buy baby clams.
Something must be done about this. Let's start by reading this tiny ad: