richard valley

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since Aug 18, 2011
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Recent posts by richard valley

I just noticed the Grafts~nice!
7 years ago
Hi Randy, That looks great, you did good~all those are from cuttings?  If you've a problem with rabbits and such, most do, I put~you know that black plastic flex~ABS waste piping~ well I cut pieces long enough to guard the trunk of the young trees and split it up the side with a box cutter an place it around the trunk~that keeps them safe from rabbits, and all rodents.

I didn't see where you're located but what I see look nice. The apples we've planted have done well and have fruited. I don't know as much as the folks did, but what I did glean from growing up on the ranch seems to be in my hands when I plant or build.

Good luck to you and yours,

7 years ago
Well, I think I'd make the pup as comfortable as possible and let say "I love you often" but not put the pooch down. It might be more work, cause you'll have to lift and lay, but the animal will know you care.
7 years ago
Well, seems like the posts are several years old. Hope you people check back and post results. Just found this thread. I think I'll try to root some cuttings, good to see your results. I'll try to remember to post how the cuttings have done.

7 years ago
RE: Gojis Berries, I got very interested a couple years back and ordered two plants. I planted them and  they are still alive but I haven't paid much attention to them, I was only able to eat a berry or two because my daughter pointed them out. I planted them in a growing area where we grow squash and watermelon, I don't frequent that as often as the area where the veggies and greenhouse are. But I do like them, I spoke to them today and said I would give them more attention. I find that they do need watered, they are just a short distance apart and the one that has received more water has done better.

I think I'll try to root a cutting or two.
7 years ago
Good luck with tomatoes, it can be done in 100 days but sounds like a bit of a rush, my wish for you is a greenhouse for an early start.
7 years ago
Well, I/we grow tomatoes,(we have two ranches one in the mountains at 6800ft and one on the high desert at 4300ft~we've greenhouses at both these locations. Growing is best done at the high desert ranch as you can imagine. Direct planting is not a for sure thing and we need/want tomatoes for sure.
Regrowing tomatoes yes that does happen and they the come back every year, this year I re dug the beds so will not count on that because of rotating crops.

The water from the kitchen runs into the small trench outside and tomato plants will always grow and fruit there.

Tomato seed are in six packs in the greenhouse right now and the plants will be put out when sturdy enough, some plants bought recently have been planted, I'll use them for cloning, clones will fruit faster.

Onions have been planted where tomatoes were last season. The horse lunging soften and churned the earth and manure from the cows and horses dug in
7 years ago
Hi, Interesting thread. I noticed there was no mention of a queen extruder. So, you have larva in the comb. I've seen bee keepers eat comb with larva and all. What do you do, how do you handle the larva situation?

Thanks Richard

Well, I just noticed the age of this thread, maybe to old for people to be checking back, we'll see.
8 years ago
Well, that's something I hadn't though of. Round up in the beeswax.
8 years ago
Greetings Thomas, Glad to see you're making cheese, a great adventure. I've 2 gal of milk on the stove as we speak or write, waiting for the addition of rennet. Like to hear what you're making and how you go about it. You mentioned adding whey? Tell me about that I've never added whey, what was it for?

Have a great day.

8 years ago