I ordered ten goji
roots, phoenix tears variety, and have potted them on leiu of warm weather and they are beginning to wake up and form leafs.
I've read some contradictory stuff on them, though consensus seems to be mildly alkaline soil with good drainage is best. Nitrogen bad.
Since I got to work with the soil I got, which is rather silty loam, I dug down about 24 inches and removed
enough gravel to cover my driveway, and below the rock the silt buildup is pretty solid. I've loosened it what I can with a shovel. I got some sand to mix with it come planting season.
I live in E WA state, which I hear at least theoretically is a good growing climate and have heard of others growing them with success in the area.
So my questions are:
What type of soil have you found to be good or bad?
How do you
feed it?
How much
When can you put them in the ground?
How far down
should I loosen compacted soil?
What kind of spacing works?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.