PDC is 71hrs;
ATC is 62;
ATC is 133hrs
Here's what you'll get to learn about:
Solar - (passive, heating, cookers, ovens, dryers. Panels, charging, storage, lighting, mobile powered units)
2. Heating Temperate
shelters - rocket stoves ( dimensions, materials, uses (hotwater,
oven , cooking, mass heating).
wood stoves,
solar , thermal mass, insulation, floors, composting. Thermal mass greenhouses
3. Cooling Tropical shelters - shade, wind, ground cooling ducts, orientation, thermal mass, roofs
Water - filtering, purity, potibility, design, pumps, swales, ponds, air
wells , drilled wells, collection systems, storage, IBC's, Grey water (recycling, uses, low cost methods, legal, productive uses)
Sustainability -
energy audits, home, farm, food security - measurement
BioChar - production and use
Compost Toilets - Types, designs,
Humanure ,
urine , safety, regulation, reality
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