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Paul Wheaton and Chris McClellan, AKA Uncle Mud, continue discussion of the design of the experimental tiny-house
rocket mass heater for the red cabin.
Chris had one week to create a Gilligan-proof design which never smokes back even when people won't prime the riser. Different methods of barrel prep. 1.5 inch gap between mass and bed allows air to circulate without bedding clogging it. Hottest point where enters bench
should never reach 300F even after a 4hr burn. Radiant heat inside bench doesn't touch
wood. Pebbles/pea gravel held by hardware cloth allow constant circulation to carry heat away. Rock to absorb and hold heat.
Being conscious of the three types of heat in the designs is what helps make the RMH heat a home with 10% of the wood. Wood
feed is 4” x 4”- top can be removed as one piece. Exhaust kissing the barrel helps suck out cold plugs. Stratification chamber would be better than laying duct out but would take longer to build. Seedlings love a RMH pebble bench. Relatively small mass, better for suspended floor. Five minute riser not quite as good as cast ceramic, but much cheaper and very quick. and easy to swap out for more tests.Core is split fire-brick. Dura-board not quite as insulative as dura-blanket. but better than insulative firebrick.
Plans for 2021 RMH
jamboree. making list of projects, innovators, innovations. Chris says that huckleberries, hot springs and stars make a trip to Montana worthwhile. He had great fun working with the with fantastic
bootcamp crew and the massive range of tools and equipment . Extreme standards are challenging. Free BB20 event October. Boot camp currently full. there is a waiting list.
Relevant Threads
Uncle Mud's Youtube channel
Uncle Mud's website
Uncle Mud Fall 2020 Fun at Wheaton Labs
tiny house rocket mass heater: the cyclone batch style
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Eivind W. Bjørkavåg
Suleiman, Karrie, and Sasquatch
Bill Crim
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Wade Luger
Kyle Neath
Chris Sugg
Bill Erickson
Dominic Crolius
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
G Cooper
Penny McLoughlin
Ash Jackson
Mehron Kugler
Lisa Goodspeed
Pasquale DeAngelis
Sean Benedict
Greg Martin
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Ruwan Nanayakkara
Polly Jayne Smyth