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Paul continues his call with some of his Patreons, specifically Julia Winter, Katy, and Ryan, along with the hijackee, Elliot, and Kyle Neath pops out of the woodwork as well.
Plans are being formulated to hold similar permaculture smackdowns every week or two, either with an open format like this two-parter, or to do book reviews either as a whole or as chapter-by-chapter. Currently looking like the next smackdown will be on
Sepp Holzer’s
Desert or Paradise, although the reviews probably won’t be as informed as Paul and
Alan Booker’s reviews on the Big Black Book. Another possible plan for a future podcast is to consolidate Paul’s three-part “How to Shop for Land” guide that he wrote for “Make it Missoula” a few years ago.
How does Bitcoin mesh with permaculture values? On the Lightning network each individual transaction costs less than 1 cent, so it costs next to no electricity, despite someone’s claim that each transaction costs
enough energy to run a house for two months. Assuming a house costs $200 of energy per month, that’s $400 per transaction, yet you get charged less than $0.01? Some muddy numbers somewhere. Or more likely someone trying to dip the price so that they can buy in. The problem is with the Bitcoin miners that run huge computer farms that just consume tonnes of electricity in order to get Bitcoin. On the other hand, it’s probably more efficient than mining gold, and printing FIAT or paper money isn’t free either.
In a close parallel to Paul’s SKIP programme,
Joel Salatin’s “Fields of Farmers” describes the barriers that established farmers (called curmudgeons in the book) have to get their
land to a new generation of farmers. Joel says that he’s been contacted by hundreds of farmers to find decent people to will their land to. His book is likely to be reviewed in a future Permaculture smackdown podcast.
Relevant Threads
Permaculture a Designer's Manual by Bill Mollison
Desert or Paradise by Sepp Holzer
SKIP forum
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Eivind W. Bjørkavåg
Suleiman, Karrie, and Sasquatch
Bill Crim
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Wade Luger
Kyle Neath
Chris Sugg
Bill Erickson
Dominic Crolius
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
G Cooper
Penny McLoughlin
Ash Jackson
Mehron Kugler
Lisa Goodspeed
Pasquale DeAngelis
Sean Benedict
Greg Martin
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Ruwan Nanayakkara
Polly Jayne Smyth